Communications Meeting 2010-10-05

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Notes from the Communications WG
Date: October 5, 2010
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Brian Ahier, John Blair, Janet Campbell, Karen Donovan, Richard Elmore, Jason Siegel, Arien Malec, Uvinie Hettiaratchy, Caitlin Ryan


Actions for This Week

Due Date
Will reach out about participating as part of a featuerette at the Connect-a-thon.
Janet Campbell
Add communications resources to the Communications Launch table.
WG members

Actions from Last Week

Due Date
Look over Direct Project Overview Presentation, send comments to Rich Elmore.
All WG members
Add ideas, comments to Rebranding wiki page.
All WG members
Look at questions posted by Janet Campbell on Rebranding page about which elements to keep in the name, which to lose.
All WG member
Contact HIMSS to see if it is still possible to make a presentation.
Arien Malec/Rich Elmore
Ask Pam Matthews if there will be an HIE day at this year’s HIMSS.
Noam Arzt


  1. Rebranding
  2. Communications / Education


Arien Malec

  • Updated the WG on the renaming of NHIN.
  • Ideas for the new name will be announced at the IG meeting later in the day (October 5, 2010).
  • Asked Janet to give an update on the Abstract Model.
  • There are a lot of confused people out there, so this WG is vitally important.
  • Recently has found that even the people most in the know are confused about things like MU, certificate, Direct, Connect, Exchange.

Janet Campbell

  • Put together a group to look at the Abstract Model from the Overview document.
  • Originally the project drew out the technical needs, creating the concept of a HISP.
  • A HISP embodies services that may be encompassed by the sender but don’t have to be.
  • Problem arose when assigning pictures to elements of the Abstract Model, because the pictures might mistakenly represent how Direct works.
  • The model images made the Abstract Model less abstract.
  • In reviewing the Abstract Model, the group simplified the images to show a sender pushing a message to a receiver, where there may or may not be a HISP in the center that may or may not provide functions.
  • The group hopes to have this new model ready to share by next week, reflecting the different situations that arise when different deployment models are used.

Arien Malec

  • People appreciate hearing about encryption and signing measure of the SMTP arc.
  • It is important to have one picture showing that a sender constructs a message in a way that only the authorized delegated receiver can see.

Janet Campbell

  • Asked if he meant the lock box picture.

Arien Malec

  • Yes.
  • Sometimes the nature of encryption is hard to visualize.

Rich Elmore

  • Would be helpful to get Janet Campbell’s feedback on the Overview presentation, as the Abstract Model is finalized.
  • Asked Arien Malec for further guidance on renaming Direct now that NHIN renaming is underway.

Arien Malec

  • Thinks it will take six months for NHIN to get a new name.
  • Wants to convey an identity separate from but congruent to NHIN.
  • People will use specifications outside of NHIN governance, but some will use within NHIN governance.

Rich Elmore

  • In this meeting, the WG will try to narrow down the list.
  • Directed WG members to Rebranding to see the list of names.
  • The next step will be agreeing how to decide a final name.

Discussion on Rebranding (pending review)
Proposed next item: talking about a process for getting to a final name.
Proposed talking about the Communications Launch page as the next order of business.

  • Last week WG had a good discussion about what that meant.
  • Decided to focus on education, and to tie into particular upcoming events.
  • Asked WG to look at the page, where he added feedback from last week to the top of the page.
  • Four Steps:
  • 1) The rebranding / renaming of the Direct Project (November?)
  • 2) The completion of (late 2010 or early 2011)
  • the reference implementation
  • best practices in support of the pilots
  • implementation geographies plan
  • and perhaps some early results from a pilot
  • 3) HIMSS (February 20-24, 2011)
  • 4) Completion of the pilots and general launch.

Round the Room: Thoughts on Communications Launch

Jason Siegel
  • IHE Connect-a-thon happens before the HIMSS interoperability.
  • Feels the relationship between IHE Connect and NHIN Direct is confusing.
  • Hopes this is a topic of discussion. Rich Elmore
  • Will make sure that is part of a HIMSS related event. Arien Malec
  • Offered to address concerns appropriately.
  • Conflicts between MU and IHE. Jason Siegel
  • Comes up with public health.
  • Overall, feels keeping marketing small at first is a good idea.
Janet Campbell
  • HIMSS approach is good.
  • It is too late to do anything with the Connect-a-thon officially, but one year they had a featurette or showcase within a showcase.
  • Are we planning for anything else within HIMSS? Who could set that up? Arien Malec
  • Hopes to provide a “State of the Project” update, because the Direct Project was basically launched there last year.
Karen Donovan
  • Felt the communications plan was both comprehensive and focused.
John Blair
  • There has been some effort to try to get Direct up for presentation at HIMSS. Arien Malec
  • First, trying to communicate internal to ONC.
  • Appreciates work John Blair did. John Blair
  • Seconded doing a presentation at HIMSS.
Brian Ahier
  • Liked the way the plan is laid out.
  • Thinks there are two big media events: Rebranding (big splash) and then a series of narrative completion dates leading up to HIMSS.

Rich Elmore

  • Asked about Janet’s comment on the interoperability showcase.
  • Reference implementation allows for XDR-type protocol. Is there an opportunity to bring it in as a foundation for enabling the IHE?

Janet Campbell

  • Understands that generally at the connectability showcase, they are displaying the results of tests established way in the past, and then proven at the Connect-a-thon.
  • Direct Project can’t get in at the beginning because it is not straight XDR.
  • Direct cannot yet be measured at the level they are used to at the Connect-a-thon.
  • Thinks there are other avenues for demonstrating projects.
  • Will reach out about this.

Rich Elmore

  • We need to get this message out, get support from a lot more people.
  • Let’s start with this Communications WG.
  • Asked WG members to please see what their organizations might be able to contribute, in terms of communication vehicles.
  • Would be helpful to identify those opportunities in the Communications Launch table.

Brian Ahier

  • Has discussed the Direct Project with editors of health IT publications.
  • Will be able to get some stories.
  • Might be a good idea to actually have a press release.

Arien Malec

  • The Direct Project has limited ability to do a press release.
  • The two media outlets he would choose would be:
  • O’Reilly radar blog post
  • And TCHB (??).
  • They have the most readership and weight.

Brian Ahier

  • Hasn’t heard specifically about the healthcare blog from David Kibbe.

Rich Elmore

  • David Kibbe and Rich Elmore were going to do a joint post.

Jason Siegel

  • Anna (?) sends out blast emails about public health and would be a great resource.

Arien Malec

  • HIT Talk.

Brian Ahier

  • When the word gets out, everyone will pick this up.

Jason Siegel

  • Even ZDnet is talking about NHIN Direct.

Rich Elmore

  • Please add all your resources to the page.

Janet Campbell

  • Keith Boone and John Moehrke have good contacts.

Rich Elmore

  • You all have some great contacts. Let’s try to build up our network for later communications.