Communications Meeting 2011-01-11

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  • Status of Notes: DRAFT

Date: January 11, 2011
Time: 1:00 EST


1. Messaging Events - recap of workgroup approved plan (see below) - Rich
2. Messaging Events volunteers - all
3. HIMSS Demos - Didi Davis

Messaging events

  • Consensus approval of specifications announcement (tied into HITSC meeting - 4th week in January)
  • Implementations pilots announcement - February 7th
  • HIMSS demos announcement - February 20th
  • HIMSS demonstrations (Interop showcase, New directions showcase, ONC FHA area, Vendors) - February 20-24
  • Update announcement & eHealth Collaborative NHIN University - linked to HITSC update - 4th week in March
  • Implementation pilots update - mid-year

Messaging channels

  • Each announcement will follow similar process as prior announcement (anchors: O'Reilly radar, THCB and embargoed for same release time to other publications including Gov't Health IT, Life as a Healthcare CIO, eHealth Collaborative, others; authors: Ahier, Elmore, Kibbe)
  • Consider delivering both a press release and an article for each messaging event.
  • Implementations pilots announcements will be proposed as a Blumenthal blog - communications workgroup to prepare draft. Ivy to submit template.
  • Also, will collaborate with HIMSS11 federal announcements to include Direct Project

Actions & Decisions from last meeting

Actions & Decisions
Due Date

Workgroup ratified communications plan


Need to assign responsibilities for messaging
Communications Workgroup

HIMSS demos plans
Didi Davis

Update Messages for key stakeholders based on workgroup feedback
Michelle Darnell


Due Date




Participants Present:
Arien Malec, Direct Project
Rich Elmore, Allscripts
Didi Davis, Serendipity Health
Janet Campbell, Epic
Eric Heflin, Medicity
Ivy Eckerman, ONC
John Caplin, ONC
Aaron Seib, NeHC
John Blair, MedAllies

Messaging events

  • Consensus approval of specifications announcement (target early February)
  • Implementations pilots announcement (target early February)
  • HIMSS demos announcement - February 20th
  • HIMSS demonstrations (Interop showcase, New directions showcase, ONC FHA area, Vendors) - February 20-24

Messaging channels

  • Each announcement will follow similar process as prior announcement (anchors: O'Reilly radar, THCB and embargoed for same release time to other publications including Gov't Health IT, Life as a Healthcare CIO, eHealth Collaborative, others; authors: Ahier, Elmore, Kibbe)
  • Consider delivering both a press release and an article for each messaging event.
  • Implementations pilots announcements will be proposed as a Blumenthal blog - communications workgroup to prepare draft. Ivy to submit template.
  • Also, will collaborate with HIMSS11 federal announcements to include Direct Project

Volunteers to prepare write-ups for each communications event:

  • Volunteers with each event to help pull together materials. Can be just an article (what's new? what's this about?) or also add a press release for each area.
    • Specifications announcement (target early February) - 3 components (Applicability statement - nearly ready for Implementation Group release; XDR/XDM piece - needs to be edited and reissued for Implementation Group consensus; Existential Document - ready for run through by Implementation Group - need a week or two until ready for consensus) - Janet Campbell, Epic (with support from John Blair volunteers at Med Allies on XDR piece)
    • Implementation pilots - some good baseline work already started by Noam Arzt, HLN Consulting. - Rich Ellmore, Allscripts (with support from Implementation Geographies members - Arien to solicit support on next call).
    • HIMSS Demos Announcement - Didi Davis, Serendipity Health (with support from MedAllies staff per John Blair)

HIMSS '11 Demonstrations (Ivy Eckerman, ONC & Didi Davis, Serendipity Health)

  • Arien sent e-mail yesterday with more definitive answer on requirements.
  • Friday (1/14/11) is FINAL deadline to sign-up for ONC/FHA Interoperability Showcase participation. E-mail Ivy Eckerman ASAP to ensure participation. Include name of organization, primary contact, contact information (email and phone).
    • Sandy Vance from HIMSS will contact groups directly to work out contracts (MUST BE COMPLETED BY FRIDAY, 1/14/11!)
    • Booth space is per demonstration - so if multiple vendors, they will share same space.
    • Cost is $5200 (fee waived if vendor already has reserved space within Interoperability Showcase area - let Ivy know when contacting her if this applies) and includes 2 visitor badges, booth space, signage with group name above kiosk, power, internet. FHA to help with graphics, and ensure consistent PowerPoint presentation formats.
    • Monitors, keyboards, peripherals are not included. You will need to bring own monitors and other peripherals, cords, etc. Can purchase down there (Best Buy has monitors for approximately $150), or rent through HIMSS (approximately $300).
  • Those representing demo projects must be representatives of the end user organization (such as RHIOs, Hospitals, etc). Cannot be vendors representing themselves or giving sales pitches in this area. Vendors can be present to support demonstration, but need to be showcasing interoperability on behalf of the end user and how they would be using their product.
  • Interoperability Showcase is open 4 days: Monday 11:30 - 5:30, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30 - 5:30, Thursday 9:30 - 12:30
    • At least one representative needed at kiosk at all times. There will be tours of the area, but most traffic will come from visitors walking by and asking for a demo on the fly. Recommend at least two representatives on-site for flexibility for meal breaks, using restroom, etc.
      • Traffic in ONC area was heavy last year, and expect to be heavy again this year.
  • Vendors involved in Direct likely qualify (as Direct is an effort coordinated by ONC and falls in overall ONC area), particularly if partners are Fed. Gov't or ONC Grantees (such as RECs, State HIEs, Beacon Communities, etc).
  • Those not committed by Friday, 1/14 will not be included in the Interoperability Showcase.
  • Interoperability Showcase (39,000 sq. feet this year) will be in Hall E, Booth # 7343. Education sessions during the conference are located near this area to maximize traffic.
  • Recommendations and notes from Didi for those participating:
    • Clarify for Ivy if you will need internet access outside of the showcase demonstrations - internet access is heavily firewalled for this area.
    • There may be some Showcase Theater slots available for discussion on Direct participation. Sandy Vance, HIMSS is still determining availability and who will be able to participate, but there may be some opportunity for projects to participate in this, as well.
    • All participating should know the following websites for reference:
      • (in middle section, toward bottom of exhibition section - link to learn more about interoperability showcase lists the time schedule. Also has maps which show location of showcase area compared to conference sessions and other vendor booths)
      • (provides more information on exact setup of area, etc)
    • All ONC Staff and Interoperability Showcase demonstrations need to be on-site starting February 20th. Any connected Demonstration (across full area) need to be there to setup on February 19th. Internet/power setup to be completed by COB on February 18th. Can come on Friday, but may be more chaotic as all booths and vendor areas will be being constructed.
    • Additional badges are $150 each, this year.
    • All should request 24/7 access to area to ensure access during setup and after hours. (Note that 24/7 does not permit full access to the building. Will need to have someone inside the exhibit area after hours during event to let you in after security staff leaves premises. This does not provide you with keys or electronic access to the area).
    • Space at kiosks is EXTREMELY LIMITED. Tables are approximately 36" wide (room for 1, perhaps 2 laptops on table). Storage space under tables is limited to small bags, laptop cases, etc. Not room for luggage or boxes - conference staff can store for you and return to you at the end of the conference.
  • Ivy working on a brochure within the FHA/ONC area with details of all demonstrations. Those presenting should provide a 3-4 sentence description of the demonstration to Ivy for simplified, standardized format. Goal to get content for brochure finalized by end of this week or early next week.
  • Didi and Arien to provide an overview with the larger Implementation Group this afternoon.

Other Topics for Discussoin?

  • Arien will not be at connect-a-thon, but Doug should be there as he is giving a keynote.