Communications Meeting 2011-01-25

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  1. Implementations announcement - Rich
  2. Web site refresh – Janet (click here for live meeting)
  3. Specifications announcement – Janet
  4. HIMSS Demos – Didi / Ivy
    1. To receive information for demonstrations, please e-mail [Andriesen].

In attendance:
Rich Elmore, Allscripts
John Blair, MedAllies
Greg Chittim, RIQI
Meryt McGindley, National eHealth Collaborative
Brian Ahier, Oregon HIE Planning Team
Janet Campbell, Epic
Noam Arzt, HLN Consulting, LLC
Zhan Caplan, ONC
Brian Hoffman, DoD
Kim Long, MedPlus
Michele Darnell, SES
David Kibbe, Clinical Groupware Collaborative and AAFP
Arien Malec, Direct Project
Didi Davis, Serendipity Health
Ivy Eckerman, ONC

  1. Implementations Announcement
    1. Arien: originally had plan for coordinated marketing launch - Aneesh Chopra interested in participating. Unfortunately, timing of event for him didn’t make sense with timing of Direct press release. Aneesh had event this morning. Can make overall coordinated press release approach work despite his announcement.
    2. White House / Commerce/ NIST meeting today that is conference on new approach for government participation on standards processes. Locke, Chopra presented at conference. Chopra wanted to use Direct as case example of how government can participate with community and industry to convene, but not direct in its role. Appropriate to announce status of production use. From news messaging perspective, "production use" has already gone out, though not necessarily bad thing - is a good thing. Broad press coverage, in terms of health care, still an avenue to get out message in coordinated way with press release, etc. Rich: Having senior government official touting direct is great. Can leverage into our announcements.
    3. Try to make announcement on Wed 2/2. Vision Share wants to get their own announcements out ASAP. Also can include RIQI live with production provider to provider, as well. Makes announcement more robust with use cases, geography, etc. Later this week, announcement written up. Paul and Rich working on it. Reaching out to other blogs industry contacts and publications. Embargoed until 9am ET 2/2, then announcements out. Plan is to do media call for Arien/Aneesh if available (afternoon eastern time to allow for west coast participation). Want to replicate media pickup from NHIN University when Arien was discussing. Arien will have blog that AM to announce basics. 9 am article out. Noon media event. Not only RI/MN, but also discuss other pilots coming out later in the month and year. Like to have press release finished by tomorrow.
    4. RI may not have message go until Monday/Tues. May be thurs/fri. Don't feel comfortable using RI in press release. Gary, Arien, Rich to take discussion offline to ensure that this is backed up to allow supporting event and get notice for work done.
    5. Feedback:
      1. John Blair: NY - 2 of vendors down. Interested in full? Come to that later.
      2. Meryt: sounds fine. Happy to contribute in any way. No major pressing announcements. Can help push out further.
      3. Brian Ahier: Might be good idea to pull a quote or two from Aneesh at today's roundtable and insert into press release.
      4. Zhan: Email from nancy at ONC - she is reviewing release. Asked peter to put at top of list to get back pretty quickly. Don’t anticipate anything major. A few suggestions: Think analogy to direct taking flight takes away from it. Slightly hokey. Could use some change in tone. Also, press releases typically do not have authors. Take out by lines.
        1. Rich: not treating as press release. Calling them announcements - framing in terms of articles in anchor blogs, other media outlets.
        2. Zhan: if by lines are used, comments scratched. Can use take flight theme and leave bylines as is. ONC likely to have even fewer comments based on this.
      5. Didi: Great - any mention of HIMSS conference? May not be appropriate, but also public demos available.
    6. Rich: Logistically difficult to get full group input on the final document. Moving target as we try to nail down and deal with different constituencies. Trying to also do a website refresh. Noam had great feedback last week.
  2. Website Refresh
    1. Janet: One comment, in the past, website looks fairly interim . Need something more concrete. Redesigned homepage with map of US. Pinpoints pilots (taken from pilots page). Will need latitudes/longitudes from pilots to pin actual location. Idea is that it will cycle through each of the different pilots. More descriptions available by clicking read more. Simple, just different landing page. Biggest issue, homepage is using top 2 sentences from vignettes, though may not be engaging enough on the pilots. One of pilots, also, doesn’t mention all of the vendors involved. Anyone with an interest should look at the vignettes, encourage beefing up to make more interesting.
    2. Noam: On current website, looks very crisp/clean.
    3. Janet to send along the homepage, but the inside pages have not changed beyond the additions of a pilots page.
    4. Rich: Regarding locations, CA is north of SF in wine country. Texas is SE Texas. Corpus Christi, San Antonio. - make some minor geographic adjustments.
    5. Arien: In terms of making compelling, all ARE compelling, just may need to write in a different tone to discuss how exciting they are. None are boring. All have profound link to health, healthcare, well being that anyone casually reading should be able to see.
    6. Janet: all content is directly from vignettes - might be better if the exciting pieces came from pilots.
    7. Didi: Addressing to Ivy/others, communication templates/ppt being put together to show what pilot will be doing for use in ONC area at HIMSS, photos or commonalities from pilots - make sure all of maps look consistent throughout FHA area, but Direct map can have its own look/feel. Might be nice to add. Janet/Didi to discuss offline. Didi sending ppt template to Janet. Graphical map of data flow and parties/stakeholders involved. Clean, shows process/workflow/data transfer. For individual pilot pages and make it their's with similar look/feel. Will need for HIMSS as well.
    8. Janet : help needed is making vignette accurate or own individual picture - Implementation Geographies or other. Other than that, only other help is pilots link, just filler text. Need some short blurb in this area. Just a paragraph for the top landing page.
    9. Rich: want to give Janet as much latitude as possible to do what she can in the timeframe. Also need to be able to have ability to make the call given quick timeframe under which we're operating without coming back to group for specific individual approval.
    10. Michelle: looks great. Drill down to read more section, even if had pictures (even if not consistent),nice diagram pointing out participants, would be worthwhile addition to each of the pilots. Even if not matching. Something for pictures for now is great. Adding back links soon.
    11. Rich: re: vendor particpation. If looking at vignettes and find something missing that needs to be included in announcement itself, get to Rich ASAP that needs attention so updates can be made.
  3. Specifications Announcement
    1. Janet: Documentation WG didn’t meet last week, lot of work to do to figure out compliance state. Simple Health Transport ready for IG consensus?
      1. Arien: conversation slowed by connectathon, but believe we have addressed outstanding issues. Just minor terminology issues, but content wise, ready to go.
      2. Janet: Getting close, but need at least 2 weeks or so to get full feedback and consensus.
      3. Arien: Also need XDR/XDM security section and Core Specification and Existential Document together and consensus all at the same time, if possible. More discussion on documentation call. A few weeks out, likely. Will have more updates on Specifications Announcement next week.
  4. HIMSS Demos
    1. Didi: Showcase will be approximately 39,000 sq ft. Communicating an acre. Communities of Care, traditional IHE interoperability components makes up 5 of the 7 communities. One CoC is patient care devices only - 25 different monitoring systems from 20 or so vendors. Last community is FHA/ONC area. 41 kiosks designated to the area, 9 of which are for Direct. Okay with Direct pieces in other component areas, example: MedAllies - they participating in showcase already in integrated demo area. Might be a good tie-in, and allow for cross interoperability, in addition to Direct. Other one possibly in other area (HIE Live Interchange area), Redwood MedNet in that area. Rather than staff 2 kiosks, they'll be in these areas.
    2. Ivy: Goal is to have all 9 of the Direct pilots in the FHA area. John Donnelly was putting MedAllies as close as possible so in theory it could be same staff going between the two. If this has changed, please let know immediately. I would not give up ONC area kiosk for live exchange area. Not full time dedicated kiosk. Recommendation is to stay within ONC area and keep Direct close together as possible.
    3. Didi: Keep in mind that there is a need for staff/equipment at both locations if needed. Eric Larson sent a document out yesterday to all participants. Didi to forward to group with overview information. Once final layout is developed, will be sent out, as well.
    4. Ivy: HIMSS is asking how many of the direct kiosks will need to have interoperability to organizations outside of interoperability showcase. They may need to do some reconfiguring. Something may need to be brought up with Implementation Geographies.
    5. Janet: As part of MedAllies - wondering whether it would be alright to show recorded demo as part of ONC area could fully staff that, then interoperability could happen live as planned, not worrying about crossover. Gets difficult to do live exchange in both places. Particularly with 6 vendors. Perhaps have a showcase with ONC piece movie, then direct them over to the other area where live.
    6. Ivy: The area is really about live exchange. Vendors in direct area, need to work with the other partners (signs will show multiple names, but only one monitor. Will need to have switchbox or something. Need to have demo parties involved.
    7. Arien: Will take offline with Doug.
    8. Ivy: By wed, need the PDF forms for kiosks sent back to them . Also on Friday, need get maps back. For graphic design purposes.
    9. Kim Long / MedPlus: have a kiosk at ONC area, but not getting emails. Brett to collect emails for all who need to be added.