Communications Meeting 2011-03-08
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- Work coming to a conclusion. One more announcement for this month. Thanks to Janet, all, in getting the message out. Great support from NeHC, ONC, etc. for messages around HIMSS. Additional press coverage still coming in tied back to pilots and demo announcements. Collaborative effect and impact has been clear and compelling.
- Remaining work left:
- HITSC at end of month. Arien believes Direct will be on agenda tied to completion of specs and hopefully to the compliance document (getting close to a point where close to WG then IG consensus vote).
- In Addition, have NHIN U course on 3/21 (week prior to HITSC).
- Additional work in terms of production use of direct and the ecosystem (while didn't get highlighted by Blumenthal). Approximately 60 engaging with Direct.
- Janet created draft - Brett to put up on Wiki for review.
- Try to get word out about press/blogs depending on participation/engagement by ONC. May try to divide up tasks to those that have best access. General approach (default) to proceed.
- Guidance from group:
- Brian: Agree somewhat with Rich's comments, think that there's still work for Communications WG going forward as implementations go underway and states incorporate Direct into plans and other initiatives. Also outreach opportunities via NHIN U. Probably going to be for at least next year, lots of opportunities for communication/outreach around Direct. Preliminary for work going away, likely winding down to ad hoc basis.
- David: Agree w/ Brian. What's happening is Direct protocols/specs are being evaluated by many in different categories (from EHR vendors to HIE vendors to IDNs, etc). AAFP Physicians Direct w/ Surescripts is getting a lot of inquiries. Many are trying to get educated/ know what's going on. Some facing build or buy decision and agree that we shouldn't close up shop, but perhaps need to go to Direct leadership to determine how information about industry's use of direct and evolution of various components in marketplace going to be followed and tracked? Is it possible that Communications WG should be charged with that? A lot of information gathering/republishing that could be useful. Need some additional direction to answer question. How do we figure out what needs to be done next and who the right people are to do it?
- Kim: Nothing additional to add. Can see both sides.
- John: Any additional planned announcements coming out?
- Standards being finalized - may end up going under HITSC finalizing or blessing, could just be rolled under that.
- Janet: Question of what this group does going forward is larger sustainability of Direct project as a whole going forward. Experience should go into that, but larger question. Only other thing - website design that put a little closer to what the government designs its own webpages like. Low on list, and not much work there.
- Meryt: Agree w/ all. Be difficult to see group/project sunset in a way that stops tracking or all work. Interested to see Arien's perspective. Once ONC sees no longer active support, NeHC could take on active support, discussions, if needs a new home, NeHC more than happy to step up. Other thing: during HIMSS, NeHC filmed a video teaser with Arien for NHIN University class - coming to NeHC website very soon.
- Brian: Even though work is basically wrapped up, encourage everyone that when Direct project related, to continue using Google groups to blast information out to make sure catching all appropriate things. This group could be a great vehicle to help promote things as they come along.
- Rich: Would like to make sure we don't forget the work immediately in front of us. Recapping - interest in understanding what the sustainability model for Direct will be going forward. Group has been effective in reaching variety of constituents. Something to be considered in terms of leveraging to keep Direct Project visible as it gets evaluated by constituents. Will take that back to Arien and get engagement/thoughts from him. Activity coming up, or thoughts /volunteers on how we shape up announcement for later in March?
- Meryt: Re: NHIN University - worked well with last big announcement, well attended. Good responses after. First, model works well. As far as NeHC's plans for publicity for that class, event tomorrow and serious publicity for entire program including first class on Thursday. Going to look to do heavy outreach in the next few weeks - happy to have partners with that.
- Jenna: Outreach for NHIN U class - been writing blurb for emails sending to list. Some will include announcement that Direct on agenda for HITSC meeting for 3/29- any information re: compliance, would be helpful, to get a head start on advertising for that announcement, as well.
- Rich: What we'll do - small group need to get together and follow up. Meryt/Jenna/Ivy or Zhan or Damon from ONC would be right group to make plans and see how get blasted out. If able to arrange, any one else who'd like to participate?
- Jenna - trying to get in touch with Arien to see what he'll cover at NHIN U. Please let him know if talk to him that trying to get a hold of him at some point.
- Brian able to use his blog as a platform to help get the word out.
- Great deal of e-patients and advocates for patient centeredness tied into direct project. Nothing on website that reflects the patient perspective - gives wrong perception. Had conversations awhile back, but nothing on the site. Question regarding status of where we are?
- Someone who was working on it - first draft was centered toward a specific offering. Need to figure it out - open back up for comment/suggestion?
- Meryt: Agreed - need to have something posted
- Janet: Agree, good idea, but may not have a number of patients looking, but should have available. Send content and will add to the site.
- Rich: Getting some content out - will try working with Janet to get something out. Draft something , put up for group to see and iterate through until everyone's happy with it. Doesn’t need to be anything really heavy. Basically, same verbage for other audiences, just tweaking to patient audience to get it right.
- Brian: Volunteering to help review and bounce ideas off.
- Rich: Never finalized how patients could participate in communicating back to providers. Determined that was not a P1 - because complexity in those stakeholders as part of Direct. So, something there for Best Practice guidance on - part will need to be silent on until we get feedback from best practices group.
- Meryt: NeHC convening a number of consumer facing orgs to work on developing a coordinated set of messages for consumers on value of HIT. Would define as including Direct- so , given launching project, perhaps might be worth coordinating the two - can offer assistance from our consortium to include direct in messaging developed.
- Brian: Pointing out that user stories at beginning of direct project, #7-11 are all about docs, hospitals, patient centered. Wont be first out of gate for real world implementations, but already seeing EHRs providing patients with Direct addresses, situation will rapidly evolve as more physicians are on board. Will see this grow. Suggest that those use cases at early stages of direct as priority 1 - sending info for patients, have been on back burner as development is underway. Will grow. Something encapsulating what's in it for the patient is in user stories.
- David : AAFP-Direct working on patient connection. Not part of first phase, need to work out issues. Hear some announcements in next 4-6 weeks about Direct working all the way to the patient. Brian's point is well conveyed -until we get physicians enthusiastic and using Direct service and meeting first priorities (referral and getting rid of fax for less chance of paper and misplacing), very quickly will be possible to turn to meet patient demands who want information in electronic format. Expect most platforms compliant in 9-12 mos. Can start to show benefit, convenience, safety, portability. Will take some time.
- Meryt: NeHC convening a number of consumer facing orgs to work on developing a coordinated set of messages for consumers on value of HIT. Would define as including Direct- so , given launching project, perhaps might be worth coordinating the two - can offer assistance from our consortium to include direct in messaging developed.
- Someone who was working on it - first draft was centered toward a specific offering. Need to figure it out - open back up for comment/suggestion?
- Guidance from group: