Config Console

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ConfigConsole.exe is a command line tool used to administer your .NET Direct Gateway. It invokes operations on the .NET Middle Tier Config Service.

You can execute commands in two ways:
  1. ConfigConsole command args
  2. Interactively:
  • Launch ConfigConsole.exe
  • type commands

Command names are case-insensitive.

Commands Summary

  • type commands for a full list
  • type commands [namePrefix] for a list of commands with this prefix
  • type help [commandName] for help
  • type search [text] for a list of command names containing given text

To display categories of commands:

  • ====commands anchor====
  • commands cert
  • commands domain
  • commands address
  • commands dns

General Commands


List the commands available
commands [nameprefix]


Show help

help ['all' | name]
  • all: All commands
  • name: This command name or names with this PREFIX


Exit the application


Exit the application


Search for commands matching the given wildcard pattern
search pattern
  • pattern: (optional) pattern, containing '*' wildcards


Run a series of commands from a file
Each command is on its own line. Comments begin with //
batch filepath [echo command (default true)]


Echo the args to the console

Anchor Management


Import an anchor certificate from a file and push it into the config store. The anchor is used for both incoming & outgoing trust.

anchor_add owner options
  • owner: the domain or email address that trusts this anchor.
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Import an anchor certificate from a file and push it into the config store. The anchor is used for both incoming & outgoing trust.

anchor_ensure owner options
  • owner: the domain or email address that trusts this anchor.
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Get all anchors for an owner.

anchors_get owner [options]
  • owner: The domain or email address whose trusted anchors should be retrieved
  • options: [certData] [privatekey] [status]
    • certData: (True/False) Fetch actual certificate data.
    • privateKey: (True/False) Include private key
    • status: New | Enabled | Disabled
      • Only retrieve anchors with this status


Remove anchors with given ID. To get the anchorID, use the anchors_get command.

anchor_remove anchorID


Import an anchor certificate from a file and push it into the Windows LocalMachine certificate store. The anchor is used for both incoming & outgoing trust.

anchor_add_machine options
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Resolves anchors that will apply for a emailaddress- like the Smtp Gateway would.
anchor_resolve owner [options]
  • owner: email address
  • options: [certData] [privatekey] [status]
    • certData: (True/False) Fetch certificate data
    • privateKey: (True/False) Include private key
    • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Set the status for ALL anchors for an owner.
anchor_status_set owner status
  • owner: Anchor owner
  • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


List all anchors

anchors_list [options]
  • options: [certData] [privatekey] [status]
    • certData: (True/False) Fetch certificate data
    • privateKey: (True/False) Include private key
    • status: New | Enabled | Disabled (list anchors in this status)

Certificate Management


Import a certificate from a file and push it into the config system.

certificate_add filePath [options]
  • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
  • options
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Import a certificate from a file and push it into the config system.

certificate_ensure filePath [options]
  • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
  • options
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Import a certificate from a file and push it into the named local Machine store.

certificate_add_machine storeName options
  • storeName: (Private | Public)
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Import a certificate from a file and push it into the named local Machine store.

certificate_ensure_machine storeName options
  • storeName: (Private | Public)
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Retrieve all certificates for the domain or email address that owns this certificate.

certificate_get owner [options]
  • owner: The domain or email address that owns this certificate
  • options: [certData] [privatekey] [status]
    • certData: (True/False) Fetch certificate data
    • privateKey: (True/False) Include private key
    • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Resolve certificates for an address or domain from Dns
certificate_dnsresolve domain | email [server]
  • server : (optional) - resolve using this Dns Server


Resolves certificates for an email address - like the Smtp Gateway would. Returns the certificates that apply. 
certificate_resolve emailAddress [options]
  • emailaddress: Certificate owner
  • options: [certData] [privatekey] [status]
    • certData: (True/False) Fetch certificate data
    • privateKey: (True/False) Include private key
    • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Remove certificate with given ID
certificate_remove certificateID


Set the status for ALL certificates for an owner (domain or email address).
certificate_status_set owner status
  • owner: Certificate owner
  • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Export certificates for an owner in BIND Zone file format - CERT Record
certificate_export owner [outputFile]
  • owner: certificate owner (domain or email address)
  • outputFile: (Optional) Export to file. Else write to Console


Export all Enabled public certificates in BIND zone file format. You can place this output directly into your zone file.

certificate_export_all [outputFile] [chunkSize]
  • outputFile: (Optional) Export to file. Else write to Console
  • chunkSize: (Optional) Enumeration size. Default is 25


Exports public certificates in given PFX/DER file or folder in BIND zone file format - CERT Record

certificate_export_fromfile fileName | folderPath [outputFile]
  • fileName or folderPath: If file, exports file. If folder, exports all certificates in folder
  • outputFile: (optional) Export to this file. Else write to Console


Exports public certificates for all certs in the given Windows certificate store in BIND zone file format - CERT Record

certificate_export_machine [storeName] [outputFile]
  • storeName: (optional) Default is NHINDPrivate.
  • outputFile: (optional) Export to file. Else write to Console

Domain Management


Add a new domain.

domain_add domainName [status] [agentName]
  • domainName: New domain name
  • status: New | Enabled | Disabled
  • agentName: Domain grouping identifier (v1.1)


List all domains


Retrieve information for an existing domain.

domain_get domainName


Remove a domain.

domain_remove domainName


Change a domain's status

domain_status_set domainName status
  • domainName: Set status for this domain
  • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Set the status of all addresses in this domain

domain_address_set domainName status
  • domainName: Set status for this domain
  • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Retrieve # of domains.


Change a domain's agent name

domain_agent_set domainName agentName
  • domainName: Set agent name for this domain
  • agentName: Optional domain grouping identifier

Address Management


Add a new email address. The address domain must already exist.

address_add emailAddress [addressType] [displayName]
  • emailAddress: valid email address. Verifies that the domain already exists.
  • addressType: (optional) such as XDR. Used for routing. default:SMTP
  • displayName: (optional)


Retrieve an existing address.

address_get emailAddress


Set the status of an address

address_status_set emailAddress status
  • emailAddress: set the status of this address
  • status: New | Enabled | Disabled


Remove an existing address.

address_remove emailAddress


List addresses for a domain.

address_list domainName [chunkSize]
  • domainName: list addresses for this domain
  • chunkSize: (optional) Number of addresses to download from service at a time. Default is 25


List all addresses.

address_listall [chunkSize]
  • chunkSize: Number of addresses to download from service at a time.


Set the display name for the given address

address_displayname_set emailAddress displayname
  • emailAddress: existing email address.
  • displayname: new display name.

Dns Record Management

Supported Record Types:
  • MX
  • NS
  • SOA
  • CERT
  • SRV

You use the following commands to manage all records EXCEPT CERT.

You manage CERT records using Certificate Management commands (see above).

The Dns Server automatically serves up installed X509 Certificates.


Resolve ALL Dns records Registered in the Config System for the given domain. 

dns_match domain

Note: this does not actually go to a DNS server, but instead calls the Config System middle tier.


Add a new MX dns record.

dns_mx_add domainname exchange [ttl] [preference] [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • exchange: smtp domain name for the record
  • [ttl]: time to live in seconds
  • [preference]: short value indicating preference of the record. Default 10
  • [notes]: description for the record


Adds a new MX dns record if an identical one does't already exist. 

dns_mx_ensure domainname exchange [ttl] [preference] [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • exchange: smtp domain name for the record
  • [ttl]: time to live in seconds
  • [preference]: short value indicating preference of the record. Default 10
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new ANAME dns record.

dns_aname_add domainname ipaddress [ttl] [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • ipaddress: IP address in dot notation
  • [ttl]: time to live in seconds, 32bit int
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new ANAME dns record if an identical one does not exist.

dns_aname_ensure domainname ipaddress ttl [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • ipaddress: IP address in dot notation
  • ttl: time to live in seconds, 32bit int
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new NS dns record.

dns_ns_add domainname nameserver ttl [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • nameserver: nameserver
  • ttl: time to live in seconds
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new NS dns record if an identical one does not exist.

dns_ns_ensure domainname nameserver ttl [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • nameserver: nameserver
  • ttl: time to live in seconds
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new NS dns record.

dns_cname_add domainname cname ttl [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • cname: alias for this domain
  • ttl: time to live in seconds
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new CNAME dns record if an identical one does not exist.

dns_cname_ensure domainname cname ttl [notes]
  • domainname: domain name for the record
  • cname: alias for this domain
  • ttl: time to live in seconds
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new SOA dns record.

dns_soa_add domainname primarysourcedomain responsibleemail serialnumber ttl [refresh] [retry] [expire] [minimum] [notes]
  • domainname: The domain name of the name server that was the primary source for this zone
  • responsibleemail: Email mailbox of the hostmaster
  • serialnumber: Version number of the original copy of the zone.
  • ttl: time to live in seconds, 32bit int
  • [refresh]: Number of seconds before the zone should be refreshed. Default is 10800 seconds
  • [retry]: Number of seconds before failed refresh should be retried. Default is 3600 seconds
  • [expire]: Number of seconds before records should be expired if not refreshed. Default is 86400 seconds
  • [minimum]: Minimum TTL for this zone. Default is 10800 seconds
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new SOA dns record if an identical one does not exist.

dns_soa_add domainname primarysourcedomain responsibleemail serialnumber ttl [refresh] [retry] [expire] [minimum] [notes]
  • domainname: The domain name of the name server that was the primary source for this zone
  • responsibleemail: Email mailbox of the hostmaster
  • serialnumber: Version number of the original copy of the zone.
  • ttl: time to live in seconds, 32bit int
  • [refresh]: Number of seconds before the zone should be refreshed. Default is 10800 seconds
  • [retry]: Number of seconds before failed refresh should be retried. Default is 3600 seconds
  • [expire]: Number of seconds before records should be expired if not refreshed. Default is 86400 seconds
  • [minimum]: Minimum TTL for this zone. Default is 10800 seconds
  • [notes]: description for the record


Add a new SRV resource dns record.

domainname weight port target [priority] [ttl] [notes]
  • domainname: The domain this RR refers to. RFC2782
  • weight: A server selection mechanism. RFC2782
  • port: The port on this target host of this service. RFC2782
  • target: The domain name of the target host. RFC2782
  • [priority]: The priority of this target host. RFC2782
  • [ttl]: time to live in seconds, 32bit int
  • [notes]: description for the record


Remove an existing record by its ID.

dns_record_remove recordid
recordid: record id to be removed from the database

To get the record id, use any of the dns_match* commands.


Resolve MX records for the given domain

dns_mx_match domain


Resolve Address records for the given domain

dns_aname_match domain


Resolve NS records for the given domain

dns_ns_match domain


Resolve CNAME records for the given domain

dns_cname_match domain


Resolve SOA records for the given domain

dns_soa_match domain


Resolve SRV records for the given domain

dns_srv_match domain


Gets an existing MX record by ID.

dns_mx_get recordid
  • recordid: record id to be retrieved from the database


Gets an existing ANAME record by ID.

dns_aname_get recordid
  • recordid: record id to be retrieved from the database


Gets an existing CName record by ID.

dns_cname_get recordid
  • recordid: record id to be retrieved from the database


Gets an existing NS record by ID.

dns_ns_get recordid
  • recordid: record id to be retrieved from the database


Gets an existing SOA record by ID.

dns_soa_get recordid
  • recordid: record id to be retrieved from the database


Gets an existing SRV record by ID.

dns_srv_get recordid
  • recordid: record id to be retrieved from the database

Policy Management

New in V1.3

See example policy setup for hosting single use certificates


Import a certificate policy from a file and push it into the config store. Policies are associated to policy groups. Policy groups are linked to owners(domains or emails).
name filePath options
  • name: The name of the policy. Place the policy name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.
  • filePath: path of the policy file. Typically named with a .dpol extension.
  • options:
    • description: (optional) additional description


Import a certificate policy from a file and push it into the config store - if not already there.
Policies are associated to policy groups. Policy groups are linked to owners(domains or emails).
name filePath options
  • name: The name of the policy
  • filePath: path of the policy file. Typically named with a .dpol extension.
  • options:
    • description: (optional) additional description


Adds an existing policy to a group with a provided usage.
policyName groupNames policyUse incoming outgoing
  • policyName: Name of the policy to add to the group. Place the policy name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.
  • groupName: Name of the policy group to add the policy to. Place the policy group name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.
  • policyUse: Usage name of the policy in the group. Must be one of the following values: TRUST, PRIVATE_RESOLVER, PUBLIC_RESOLVER.
  • forIncoming: Indicates if policy is used for incoming messages. Defaults to true
  • forOutgoing: Indicates if policy is used for outgoing messages. Defaults to true


Adds an existing policy to a group with a provided usage - if not already there.
policyName groupNames policyUse incoming outgoing
  • policyName: Name of the policy to add to the group. Place the policy name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.
  • groupName: Name of the policy group to add the policy to. Place the policy group name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.
  • policyUse: Usage name of the policy in the group. Must be one of the following values: TRUST, PRIVATE_RESOLVER, PUBLIC_RESOLVER.
  • forIncoming: Indicates if policy is used for incoming messages. Defaults to true
  • forOutgoing: Indicates if policy is used for outgoing messages. Defaults to true


Delete policy from system by policy name.
  • policyName: Name of the policy. Place the policy name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.


Delete policy from a policy group .mapId
  • mapId: Id that associates a group to a policy usage.


Retrieve information for an existing certificate policy by name.
  • name: Name of the policy. Place the policy name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.


Create a certificate policy group.notes: Use CertPolicy_AddToGroup to join policies to groups and assign usage. Use CertPolicy_AddToOwner to join groups to Domains or emailsname options
  • name: Name of the policy group. Place the policy group name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.
  • options:
    • description: (optional) additional description


Create a certificate policy group - if not already there.notes: Use CertPolicy_AddToGroup to join policies to groups and assign usage. Use CertPolicy_AddToOwner to join groups to Domains or emailsname options
  • name: Name of the policy group. Place the policy group name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.
  • options:
    • description: (optional) additional description


Adds an existing policy group to an existing owner.groupName owner
  • groupName: Name of the policy group. Place the policy group name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.
  • owner: Name of the owner to associate with groupName.


Adds an existing policy group to an existing owner - if not already there.groupName owner 
  • groupName: Name of the policy group. Place the policy group name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.
  • owner: Name of the owner to associate with groupName.


Delete policy group from system by group name.
  • groupName: Name of the policy group. Place the group name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.


Deletes an existing policy group from a owner.
groupName, ownerName
  • groupId: Name of the policy group to delete from the owner. Place the policy group name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.
  • ownerName: Name of the owner to delete the policy group from.


Retrieve information for an existing certificate policy group by
  • name: The name of the policy. Place the policy name in quotes ("") if there are spaces in the name.


List owners associated with in a policy group.groupName
  • groupName: Name of the policy group to search on. Place the policy group name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.


Retrieve # of certificate policy groups.


List all policy groups


List policies and their usage with in a policy group.
  • groupName: Name of the policy group to search on. Place the policy group name in quotes (") if there are spaces in the name.


Import a certificate policy from a file and update an existing policy. Policies are associated to policy groups. Policy groups are linked to owners(domains or emails).
  • name
  • filePath
  • options
    • description: (optional) additional description

PKCS#11 Hardware Management New in V1.3


Create certificate signing request. CN of distinguishedName will typically be the same as directDomain
directDomain distinguishedName [defaultBits] [out]
  • directDomain: New direct domain name. Will be the SubjectAlt name in format DNS:{directDomain}
  • distinguishedName: X500DistinguishedName
    • Example distinguisedName: "CN=hsm.DirectInt.lab, OU=DirectInt.Lab, O=Surescripts, C=US"
  • defaultBits: Default key length is 2048 bits

out: folder path.


Import a certificate from a file and push it into the store.
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


Remove certificate by Id (CKA_ID)
  • certificateID: The id is found using PKCS11_LISTKEY_ALL or PKCS11_SEARCH_BYOWNER


This command does not interact with the hardware token. It is not used for any FHA activities.
Import a p12 (.pfx) certificate from a file.
Extract the private key to pkcs#8 format.
  • options:
    • filePath: path fo the certificate file. Can be .DER, .CER or .PFX
    • password: (optional) file password. Enter 'null' if no password.
    • status: (optional) New | Enabled | Disabled


List all keys
  • [chunkSize]
    • chunkSize: (Optional) Enumeration size. Default is 25


Search for a certificate by email or domain owner
Case sensitive search
  • owner name: Should be the same as the value of the certificate subjecAlt name.