Content Packaging Meeting 2010-05-26

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Notes from Content Packaging Workgroup

Date: May 26, 2010
Time: 1pm-2pm
Leader: David McCallie

Attendees: David McCallie, Vasu Manjrekar, Vidit Saxena, Vassil Peytchev, Keith Boone, Paul Saxman, Karen Witting, Douglas Pratt, David Yakimischak
Actions for this Week
Due Date
Post a comment to the content packaging wiki page linking to HITSP C80
Keith Boone

Actions from Last Week

Due Date
Define key terms for routing metadata and post to wiki
John Moehrke

· Review of last week’s action items
· Proposed Discussion Topics
1. Review John Moehrke’s metadata clarification
2. Synchronizing content packaging work with concrete implementations
· Next Steps
· Action #20 – put as a comment on the content container spec
· So far the WG has created an abstract, high-level model. The WG will wait for the concrete implementations to give feedback on their real-world experience before meshing this with the abstract model
Walk through of John Moehrke’s Proposal by Keith Boone
· There are three sections of proposal
· First section: routing metadata is the minimal metadata needed to support the routing of the metadata itself
Comment from David Yak
· Date would be helpful to have in content package metadata
o Ex: For a case where the package is not being transmitted immediately, date allows you to know when the package was created
· Relates-to message ID would also be useful
o Ex: For a case where the message is a response to a specific other message, relates-to allows the two messages to be correlated
Comment from Keith Boone
· Date and relates-to message ID would both be helpful metadata
o Date should be optionally required depending on the transport
o Relates-to should also be optional because you’re not always responding to a specific message
Comment from Vassil
· Relates-to is important is certain cases:
o Where there is a delivery confirmation requirement
o Specialist referral scenario would require a workflow correlation
· Date is useful for troubleshooting
Comment from David McCallie
· Date can be useful in certain settings, especially for troubleshooting
· Agree also that relates-to field is valuable in certain use cases, but if not one of those use cases then it should be optional
· Both of these are dependent on the transport model
o SMTP model would have well established behaviors for these that could be inherited
Continued Walk through of John Moehrke’s Proposal by Keith Boone
· Second section: manifest – how is the content package being organized
· John gave a high level description of what goes in the manifest
· Includes the type of content that’s being sent, information about the patient, etc
Question from David McCallie
· When we were previously discussing the XDM process of wrapping, there was a table of contents that would tie things together. Is this concept carried through in John’s proposal?
· Keith Boone
o In XDM submission sets, there is a place where you can put metadata that identifies the type of submission
o Gives the provider an idea of what they’re looking at and why
· Vassil Peytchev
o Thinks that David is referring to the ability to have a readme file as part of the zip structure
o In XDM this is the human readable version of the abstract structure John has proposed
· David McCallie
o Vassil is correct in his interpretation
o Is the hierarchy that’s available in the zip format just an artifact of the zip file and not part of the metadata?
· Vassil Peytchev
o In the general case for XDM, there is an option to have a folder structure that gives these relationships
o For NHIN Direct, the relationships in the metadata are part of the abstract manifest which in XDM would also have the human readable html readme file.
· David McCallie
o From John’s perspective, should there be a descriptor of the content hierarchy in the manifest or would this be an implementation detail?
Feedback on Section 2 of John Moehrke’s Proposal

Vasu Manjrekar
No comment
Vidit Saxena
No comment
Paul Saxman
No comment
Karen Witting
No comment
Douglas Pratt
· Would the manifest change in if the email is forwarded?
· Keith Boone
o The manifest shouldn’t necessarily change
o Raises policy issues, for example if an inaccurate patient ID is sent.
o Content being transmitted would not be changed
· David McCallie
o In previous experience, have ensured that message content could not be altered if it was being forwarded
o Agree that this is a policy principle
David Yakimischak
· At the content package metadata level, there is only one content package and at the document level there is only one doc.
· Is there only one manifest per package that contains several documents or one manifest per document?
· Keith Boone
o XDM can include multiple submissions for different patients.
o The way this information is structured is that there are different submission sets captured in the manifest. Each submission set has specific metadata pertaining to it
o Each submission set is only for one patient

Question from David Yakimischak
· Is the document MIME type for the type of manifest file?
· Keith Boone
o MIME type is for the zip file
· Vassil Peytchev
o Keep in mind that this is an abstract representation and is dependent on the implementation
o Will there be specific MIME types submitted that will be used for specific health care use cases?
o Content type would be more useful in a manifest area
o A submission set refers to a single patient because the purpose of creating the submission set is for the care of a given patient
§ However, doesn’t mean that you can’t include documents for other patients
o Purpose of manifest is to organize multiple documents, though it may often be used for a single document
o Does having only one package for one patient constrain the ability to ability to send batches of documents?
o We should clarify our assumption that a package is for one patient
Continued Walk through of John Moehrke’s Proposal by Keith Boone
· Third section: metadata for every document inside the content package
Feedback on Section 3 of John Moehrke’s Proposal

Vidit Saxena
No comment
Vassil Peytchev
No comment
Paul Saxman
No comment
Karen Witting
Makes sense
Douglas Pratt
No comment
David Yakimischak
No comment
Comment from Arien Malec
· For document level metadata, sometimes the information you’re looking for can be useful to have inside the document, sometimes it can be useful to have certain information outside the document
· Is John’s list the minimal list of what should be included?
· David McCallie
o We have not yet gone into required/optional for each
· Arien Malec
o John’s list seems like a useful list
Question from David McCallie
· Question for Keith and anyone who has used XDM/XDS: Some of these fields might best be used with coded values. What codeset should be used?
o Can it be up to the affinity domain to decide?
o What about where there isn’t a clear affinity domain? What is the best practice for how to handle this?
· Keith Boone
o In response to Arien, John said that his list represents guidelines more than absolute requirements
o HITSP has given guidance for how to configure for affinity domains for NHIN
§ HITSP C80 has work around these fields, which is specific to healthcare in the US but is intended to meet the broad needs of exchange
o XDM and XDR do not require a common affinity domain. Whether there is an affinity domain is left to policy
· Karen Witting
o In XDR, and maybe XDM, if you have any agreed set you should use it
o Since we have HITSP, we should adopt whatever part of this makes sense
· David McCallie
o Sounds reasonable
· Arien Malec
o Believes that in most cases on NHIN, the actual metadata values are set by convention.
o People agree to transfer a particular document and use C80 codes that are fixed to that particular type of document
· Karen Witting
o Correct in terms of the types of metadata that refer to the type of document, but there are other metadata that are not fixed
· Vassil Peytchev
o There are different levels of configuration that may result in fixed metadata
o A user does not always have to select metadata at every instance, configuration can dynamically set the data even if there is not a specific, static value being used
· Arien Malec
o Thinking about the metadata bridging problem, there might be some values that we can fix based on specific profiles and other values that will be less constrained
o May be valuable to constrain some metadata, but may not be possible to constrain all
Comment from David McCallie
· Suggest that for the next meeting we focus on what the concrete implementation groups are learning
· Question for Karen/Keith – Are the value sets for C80 available on the HITSP site?
o Keith Boone
§ Most of the value sets are included on the HITSP site, will make sure that these are available
· Keith to post a comment to the content packaging wiki page linking to HITSP C80