Direct Project Security Overview - IG Call for Consensus
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Implementation Group Call for Consensus: Direct Project Security Overview
Due 12/7/2010 based on second round of edits
Security and Trust WG Consensus Achieved: October 21st, 2010
Implementation Group Participant Organization |
Endorsement (Yes or No) |
Comments (If "No," what can be changed to make it a "Yes") |
Akira Technologies, Inc. |
Alere |
Allscripts |
Yes |
American Academy of Family Physicians |
Atlas Development |
Axolotl |
CareSpark/Serendipity Health |
Yes |
Cautious Patient |
Cerner |
Christus Health |
Clinical Groupware Collaborative |
Yes |
Covisint |
Yes |
DoD |
eClinicalWorks |
Emdeon |
Epic |
Garden State Health Systems |
GE |
Yes |
requested edits: a) Section"Options for Enabling Trust". The text says that it 'considered'. I think the reader would better understand if we indicate that the direct project 'enables'. This is a more assertive statement of what we have delivered rather than simply what we considered. b) Section "Risk Assessments" - Fourth bullet speaks of an "external HISP". We actually mean "Full Service HISP". This term is taking shape as something people understand as part of a deployment model where the HISP is fully trusted and assigned specific roles/responsibilities and risks. c) Glossary -- The definitions under Certificate Authority and Digital Certificate are very complex, These need to be simplified. I am not sure why they need to be defined in a glossary when they are sufficiently defined in the text. (for example we never invoke an attribute certificate, and we specifically forbid the Web Browser Certificate Store.) |
Google |
Greenway Medical Technologies |
Harris Corporation |
Healthcare Information Xchange of NY |
High Pine Associates |
Yes |
HLN Consulting |
Inpriva |
Intel |
Kryptiq |
Labcorp |
Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative |
MedAllies |
Medical University of SC, South Carolina Research |
Medical Informatics Engineering, (MIE) |
Medicity |
MedNET |
MedPATH Networks |
MedPlus/Quest Diagnostics |
Microsoft |
Yes |
Mirth Corporation |
Misys Open Source Solutions (MOSS) |
NextGen Healthcare |
|| |
NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene's PCIP |
Oracle Health Sciences Global Strategies |
Oregon HIE Planning Team |
Redwood MedNet |
RelayHealth |
Rhode Island Quality Institute |
Secure Exchange Solutions |
Siemens |
Yes |
SureScripts |
Techsant Technologies |
Yes |
TN State HIE |
VA |
Verizon |
VisionShare |
Yes |
Consensus voting on: Direct Project Security Overview
Workgroup Participant Organization |
Endorsement (Yes or No) |
Comments (If "No," what can be changed to make it a "Yes") |
Akira Technologies, Inc. |
Alere |
Yes |
Allscripts |
No |
Request for clarifications to the document:
American Academy of Family Physicians |
Atlas Development |
Axolotl |
CareSpark/Serendipity Health |
Cautious Patient |
Cerner |
Christus Health |
Clinical Groupware Collaborative |
Yes |
Covisint |
Yes |
DoD |
eClinicalWorks |
Emdeon |
Epic |
No |
Show stoppers: 1. MedAllies comment, below. 2. Document must be clarified to remove the notion that the Direct Project stipulates that individual users (humans) must be able to elect to participate in certain trust circles, or to trust certain senders or recipients. In some implementations, this decision might not be made by individual users, and the document seems to imply that this is a Direct Project requirement. Other suggestions: 1. I made a few changes for style, spelling, etc - see document history 2. The PHR example isn't a good one - Direct Project doesn't cover receiving messages from an individual via PHR right now. 3. Is TLS not required? Right now, we say that the Direct Project "encourages" it? 4. "The Direct Project committee" should be clarified (and hyperlinked, if possible). The Implementation Group? The S&T WG? |
Garden State Health Systems |
GE |
Google |
Greenway Medical Technologies |
Harris Corporation |
Healthcare Information Xchange of NY |
High Pine Associates |
Yes |
HLN Consulting |
Yes |
The Decentralized Trust Model section deserves more detail, either in this document or in another document. For example, what trust decisions may/should be made by individual users versus their organizations or their HISPs, how those decisions will be made, and the impact of those decisions on message delivery. |
Inpriva |
No |
It is unclear who is responsible for identity proofing and assurance of the user. Is it the responsibility of the CA? Or is it reflected in the terms and conditions of the digital certificate that the CA must “enforce” with respect to the user? It is the user who will be faced with determining whom to trust based on the diverse policies that apply to the Direct Project endpoints. How will this approach scale as the number of Direct communities proliferate? |
Intel |
Kryptiq |
Labcorp |
Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative |
MedAllies |
No |
change of statement in section called "Protecting Information Exchange" that says, "The Direct Project solution mandates the use of S/MIME as the means to provide end-to-end authenticity, confidentiality and integrity protection." This doesn't seem to accommodate the XDD path toward accomplishing NHIN-D. |
Medical University of SC, South Carolina Research |
Medical Informatics Engineering, (MIE) |
Yes |
Medicity |
MedNET |
MedPATH Networks |
MedPlus/Quest Diagnostics |
Microsoft |
Yes |
Mirth Corporation |
Misys Open Source Solutions (MOSS) |
NextGen Healthcare |
No |
Joining MedAllies comment: It covers S/MIME, but not the XDR transport Joining Epics comment: transport encryption is recommended, it probably should be required Message Encryption: The message is required to be encrypted. How does this transpose for XD*? Message Integrity: The message is required to be signed. How does this transpose for XD*? |
|| |
NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene's PCIP |
Oracle Health Sciences Global Strategies |
Oregon HIE Planning Team |
Yes |
Redwood MedNet |
RelayHealth |
Rhode Island Quality Institute |
Secure Exchange Solutions |
Siemens |
Yes |
SureScripts |
Techsant Technologies |
Yes |
TN State HIE |
VA |
VisionShare |
Yes |
Depending on the reader, the term PHI may not be well understood. Defining that acronym may be useful. We do not agree with other comments that transport encryption (SSL/TLS) should be required. The payload for the SMTP backbone is already S/MIME signed and encrypted so why should transport encryption be required? It would complicate the simple and secure SMTP interoperability that is already working between candidate HISPs. |