Geographies Meeting 2011-02-16

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Implementation Geographies WG Call

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
12:00 PM EST

Attendees: John Williams (Garden State Health Systems/Health-ISP), Gary Christensen (RIQI), Greg Chittim (RIQI), Noam Arzt (HLN Consulting, LLC), Mark Bamberg (MEDfx), Will Hartung (Mirth Corp), Andy Heeren (Cerner Corporation), Ardi Kazarian (Verizon), Tyler Blitz (Microsoft), Susan Torzewski (CareSpark), Parag More (MedAllies), Amber Broadwater (Avisena Inc.), John Moehrke (GE Healthcare), Hank Fanberg (Christus Health), Robert Barker (NextGen Healthcare)

Greg -
Last week we brought up 3 major hurdles: getting EHR CCHIT certified, getting our HISP participation gateway stood up, and getting the upgraded version of our current care infrastructure software up and live. The first one: our EHR did pass CCHIT, HISP participation gateway is in its final system testing, and the upgrade to the newest version of the infrastructure is on-track. The last update is that I'd like to repeat our call for HISPs that are getting in on the ground floor in the Rhode Island. We are starting the process of soliciting input to become part of our HISP vendor marketplace. If you are interested, please get in touch with Gary or myself.

I called last week. We are a Rhode Island company that is interested in that.

Susan -
We are doing a demo at the VA today. We should be moving that right along. They're still working through the VA side all of their things to go live and we're still working with Mountain State to go live. That will happen after HIMSS.


Will -
We're continuing the same process as last week. We have 2 deadlines this week: 1) getting ready for HIMSS 2) there is a grant opportunity to secure funds for the Direct project rollout in California. The deadline for the proposal is Friday. HIMSS has been very effective at standing up our infrastructure. Although it's using sample data, we now have our fully functioning HISP environment live in our test environment, but moving it to our production environment will be pretty trivial once we have the stakeholders engaged who we want to. The grant, in parallel, has given us the opportunity to work very closely with the stakeholders. We're pretty confident that we will hit the March committee meeting with live production in at least one of our two use cases. One is immunization reporting from small practices to California Immunization Registry, the other use case is transition of care messages, hospital discharge summaries.

South Texas
Hank -
We are making slow and steady progress. Our HISP is in the process of integrating with the EMR set of our project. We've been slowed down a little bit with the opening of HIMSS. We are focused on making sure that we achieve go-live before the March policy workgroup meeting. We continue to converse with the state of Texas regarding bringing the Direct project once we do have a go live, how do we then bring it out across the state.

We are getting ready for HIMSS and all of the demonstrations. We had a press release this week as Arien mentioned. We are getting closer toward pilot deployment, getting to the phase of getting the user groups so that we can capture some of the real transaction. So far we are on track but tending towards yellow and red for hitting the date of the first week of March, but we will definitely have something ready and live well before the standards committee meeting.

Andy -
I wanted to make people aware, if they haven't seen it, that Cerner has started a pilot. The information has been posted on the Implementation Geographies page. It's a very simple pilot. We have a few clients in the area - Heartland Regional Medical Center typically does a lot of outbound fax traffic. We have given them an adapter for - they're currently running Cerner Millennium - to essentially communicate fax traffic across the Direct channel. They're working with a handful of endpoints within that community that they regularly exchange information with including a long-term care facility, primary care physicians, etc. The transport itself is very simple - it's a .pdf and we're delivering it to a standalone web-based e-mail inbox that we developed here at Cerner to give the ability to view and do whatever they need to for those messages. That's the first of two pilots - we'll have more details in a couple of weeks about the second.

Microsoft HealthVault
Tyler -
We're involved in a number of projects including medical professional services. What we've done is added new features to HealthVault to make it a platform that can support the ability for patients to receive Direct messages from providers. We've gone live with that service already. It's actually very cool. It gives patients this ability in support of Meaningful Use. Another exciting thing that we've done is to create the ability for a provider that has the capability to send Direct messages to send a message to a patient who hasn't necessarily already established a Direct e-mail address. They can send that to [[1]] and then putting the patient's regular e-mail address in the subject line of the Direct message. What that will do is encrypt the message, deliver it using Direct to the HealthVault HISP securely and then HealthVault will send a notification message to the patient's e-mail inviting them to create a HealthVault account and sign in to establish a connection to be able to pick up that message. I just posted some details about creating a connection to HealthVault in the documentation library on the wiki. That information is available to everybody. I encourage you to take a look. We will also be creating a collateral piece about HealthVault and Direct to be available at HIMSS so that folks who are running a demo can send a message to a conference attendee - whether from the interoperability showcase or from an exhibit booth. So that's a quick update on where we are.

Mark -
Are you inviting people that are part of the showcase to exchange messages with you at HIMSS?

Tyler -
Yes. Our demo is live and in production. I just posted a word document on the documentation library yesterday that contains some technical details about creating a connection to HealthVault, but for all of you who are already supporting the ability to send Direct message, it will be the simple process of exchanging trust anchors.

[end of meeting]