Geographies Meeting 2012-03-28

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The purpose of this Implementation Geographies Workgroup track is to provide a forum for discussing pre-implementation issues and practices whether technical, operational, or logistical in nature. It’s a forum for a peer-to-peer exchange of ideas, thoughts, and practices for project leaders within the Direct community.
Pre-Implementation Track Meeting

1. Logistical Items (Workgroup Lead)
  • Attendance tracking reminder

2. Invited Presentation(s)

  • None

3. Implementation Geography Updates (All)

  • S&I Framework F2F (Paul) -- see below
    • No IGW meeting on 04/11/2012
  • Wiki Page Reminder (Paul)
    • Send content to Paul for assistance in posting (ptuten {at}
  • Remaining overviews / introductions (all; up to 10 minutes per member) -- any remaining?
  • Other updates?

4. Roundtable Discussion – Requested / Planned Topics (All)

  • Direct clients -- webmail, e-mail, application integration

5. Roundtable Discussion – Open (All)

6. Adjourn

Good morning, Direct Project community members!

Thank you to those of you who have registered for Mod Spec Day at the S&I Framework Face to Face meeting! We would like to share two important updates with you.
First, the registration deadline for the S&I Framework April Face to Face (F2F) meeting is fast approaching!

You must register for the meeting sessions and book your room at the Westin by 5pm ET on Monday, April 2. More information is available on the Logistics page:
Use the Registration page to indicate whether or not you are attending:
If you have already registered, please check the list of attendees to confirm that your registration was successful: This list is updated daily. Contact f2f [at] if you believe there was an error with your registration.
Second, we are happy to announce the schedule for Mod Spec Day which is Thursday, April 12.
- 9 - 10am: Modular Specifications Project Overview & Pilot Phase The Modular Specifications Project initiated by ONC in the spring of 2011 extracted the specifications that support the listed NwHIN functions utilized in the production Exchange and developed implementable specifications. As part of the process the teams identified and extracted separate modules specifically for transport and security. The Pilot Phase covered the NwHIN SOAP-based secure transport modules. The ONC teams will provide an overview of the Modular Specifications Process and the artifacts created during the Pilot Phase.
- 10 -10:30am: Break
- 10:30am - 12pm: Modular Specifications Phase 2 & 3 Session The Modular Specifications Project moved onto DIRECT specifications for Phases 2 &3. Phase 2 dealt with the SMTP Secure Transport and XDR Simple Health transport specifications. Phase 3 is currently covering the Implementation Guide that addresses the use case for discovery of digital certificates for the DIRECT Project using a hybrid approach based on DNS and LDAP. In this session ONC teams will provide an overview of the artifacts created in Phase 2 and what so far has been created in Phase 3.
- 12 - 1:30pm: Lunch on your own. Be sure to check out the brown bag lunch series!
- 1:30 - 2:30pm: Presentation by John Hall This presentation will address how the Mod Spec project can benefit the Direct Project community.
Here is a review of the basics:
- Dates: April 11-13, 2012
- Location: The Westin Alexandria (Alexandria, VA)
- Cost: Free to attend sessions
- Registration Deadline: 5pm ET on April 2, 2012

Please reach out to the planning team with any questions at f2f [at]