Geographies Meeting 2012-08-22

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1. Logistical Items (Workgroup Lead / Direct Coordinator)
  • Welcome
  • No meeting on 9/5/12
  • Introductions of IG Workgroup Lead (Paul Tuten) and Direct Coordinator (John Hall)
  • Review of IGW
    • Goals & Objectives
      • Forum to discuss 'real-world' application / experiences
      • Encourage vendor participation
    • IGW Wiki Page
      • Geography brief
      • Membership list
      • Weekly agenda

2. Invited Presentation(s) (If applicable)

  • None

3. Implementation Geography Updates (All, as/if applicable)

  • Overviews / introductions on 9/19

4. Roundtable Discussion – Requested / Planned Topics (All)

  • Any topics you'd like to see on subsequent meeting agenda?

5. Roundtable Discussion – Open (All)

6. Adjourn