Geographies Meeting 2013-03-20

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The purpose of this Implementation Geographies subgroup is to provide a forum for discussing post-implementation issues and practices whether technical, operational, or logistical in nature, including efforts to drive adoption, employ Direct in innovative ways, and measure success through the use of benchmarks/metrics. It’s a forum for a peer-to-peer exchange of ideas, thoughts, and practices for project leaders within the Direct community.

1. Logistical Items (Workgroup Lead / Direct Coordinator)
  • No Meeting on April 3 due to ONC State HIE event, next meeting on April 17

2. Invited Presentation(s) (If applicable)

3. Implementation Geography Updates (All, as/if applicable)

  • Scalable Trust IGW Sub-Workgroup Updates
  • Direct-related review of HIMSS
  • California Health eQuality HIMSS Interoperability Demo Webinar (later today -- see invitation below)

4. Roundtable Discussion – Requested / Planned Topics (All)

  • None

5. Roundtable Discussion – Open (All)

6. Adjourn

HIMSS13 / Western States Consortium Interoperability Demmonstration

To join meeting click on the following link, no pre-registration required.

Please also dial in to: 800-748-8543 access code: 7344611
The Western States Consortium (WSC) is a multi-state collaboration charged with establishing the policies, procedures, and technologies that enable scalable, trusted exchange between unaffiliated organizations across state lines. The WSC stands out at the forefront of improving health information exchange by first forming trust communities that elect to follow a common set of policies and business processes relating to health information exchange. Trust communities can be used as a model for scalable trust between unaffiliated organizations in California, as well as among the WSC cooperative states.
The webinar will demonstrate trust communities in action by showing in real time how multiple Health Information Service Providers (HISP's), inside and outside of California, maximize their scalable approach to manage membership in a trust community to improve patient care. Also demonstrated is an approach to standards-based, distributed provider directories and how healthcare professionals can use them to discover the Direct addresses of providers beyond the boundaries of their HISP. This new approach to distributed provider directories may evolve into the national standard promoted by ONC.

Please join us for this exciting webinar and see for yourself how
__CHeQ__, a program of the __Institute for Population Health Improvement__ at the University of California, Davis, participated in the HIMSS13 Interoperability Showcase as a core member of the Western States Consortium. The interoperability demonstration highlighted better care coordination through leading edge health information exchange. __CHeQ__ is contributing to the transformation of healthcare in California!

California Health eQuality would like to remind you about our special webinar, TODAY, March 20th, at 2:00 p.m. (PST).