HIMSS FHA Direct Demonstration

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Redwood MedNet HIMSS Direct Messaging Demonstration

Pilot Project Brief - Redwood MedNet : : Cal eConnect ToC Demonstration : : Cal eConnect IZ Demonstration

HIMSS 2011 Conference, Federal Health Architecture, Interoperability Showcase (Booth 7343, Hall "E")


The following participants created this demo.
David Dissinger
Stephanie Freihofer
Trudi Matthews
Will Ross
Redwood MedNet
Gary Tiechrow
Mirth Corporation
Will Hartung
Mirth Corporation
Greg Hill
Mirth Corporation


This demonstration utilizes two HISPs: HealthBridge and Redwood MedNet. Each participant originates one Direct Message and receives one Direct Message. For "bonus points" both HISPs will attempt to support Direct Messaging from iPads, and Redwood MedNet will attempt to sign a health record release form on an iPad (not working yet).


Tom Wilbury -- fake patient, resident of Cincinnati, Ohio
Dr. Petty -- fake physician, at non-existent St. Joe's Urgent Care, Sonoma, California; uses Redwood MedNet HISP
Dr. Orbison -- fake physician, Cincinnati, Ohio; uses HealthBridge HISP

Continuous Care DIRECT from Wine Country

Redwood MedNet HISP
1. Tom Wilbury, a tourist on vacation in the wine country, presents at St. Joseph Urgent Care with shortness of breath. He tells Dr. Petty that he recently had an ECG, and his primary care provider in Cincinnati is Dr. Orbison
2. Dr. Petty opens the provider directory, finds the "health internet address" for Dr. Orbison, and downloads Dr. Orbison's record release form.
3. Dr. Petty fills out and signs the record release form, and sends it as the encrypted payload to Dr. Orbison in a secure Direct Message
4. Redwood MedNet HISP pushes the Direct Message to the HealthBridge HISP

HealthBridge HISP
5. Dr. Orbison receives the message from Dr. Petty regarding his fake patient Tom Wilbury.
6. Dr. Orbison retrieves a C32 patient summary and a recent ECG for fake patient Tom Wilbury.
7. Dr. Orbison sends the patient summary and ECG image to Dr. Petty in a secure Direct Message
8. The HealthBridge HISP pushes the Direct Message to the Redwood MedNet HISP

Redwood MedNet HISP
9. Dr. Petty receives the C32 Patient Summary and ECG image from Dr. Orbison.
10. After closing the visit note on the encounter with fake patient Tom Wilbury, Dr. Petty sends a C32 Patient Summary to Mr. Wilbury's HealthVault account.

Schedule at HIMSS

Monday 21 February from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Eastern Time)
Tuesday 22 February from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Eastern Time)
Wednesday 23 February from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Eastern Time)
Thursday 24 February from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Eastern Time)