Java Reference Implementation Meeting 2010-09-02

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Notes from the Java Reference Implementation Group
Date: September 02, 2010
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Attendees: Greg Meyer, Vince Lewis, Beau Grantham, Pat Pyette, Sri Koka

Current Action Items / Tasks

Due Date
LDAP for private certificates and trust anchors, as an initial release
Greg Meyer

SMTP / XDM to XDR step-up
Vince Lewis

Develop Config/Admin tool
Pat Pyette

Incorporate CRL into agent code

DNS for certificates

Review Dragon's diagrams and user stories


  • LDAP
    • Greg/Cerner still working to get the final cut of the first iteration
    • Will need to revisit configuration params at a later time
      • There are currently a lot of assumptions, as brought up during the Architecture meeting
    • Read-only at this point
    • Add methods are stubbed out

  • Documentation
    • Greg has set up documentation at
    • Please review content if you have time
    • Re-skinned over the weekend

  • XDD
    • Vince has made great progress with XDD
      • Working use case of email w/CCD and email w/attached CCD going all the way through to XDR to XDM
    • Next step is to get XDM as input
    • Should have code checked in Friday
    • Still need to work out details with XDD Spec group for certain values

  • Config/Admin
    • Pat is working on the config/admin tool
      • Using JPA, a service layer on top, and Apache CFX for WS layer
    • Will check with Umesh for the WSDL being used by C# team
      • This will be the thing that really kicks off development
    • Looking for someone to help with the UI portion
    • Greg was concerned about large scale deployment with JPA
      • Team expressed that using Hibernate or Toplink, this should not be a concern
    • Should have initial code checked in the baseline by this weekend
      • Greg wants to take a look at the CFX layer once it is checked-in
    • Used C# schemas, so we should be consistent with them
    • Greg brought up concern about keystores vs LDAP
      • Pat talked about a config for the config service which points to information stores

  • Client API
    • Pat brought up a question about a client API
      • Nobody had comments

  • Clover
    • Open source license has been approved
      • Beau will send to Greg to work out how to store it in the baseline (common place)

  • Diagrams
    • Dragon has taken a first draft at architecture diagrams and user stories

  • Other
    • Greg will be out for 4 weeks
      • He can contribute some time on the week of September 20th
      • He will address MDN at this time, hopefully Umesh will have all the details worked out then
    • CRL has not been implemented
    • DNS for certificates
      • Cerner is using bind (for first implementation) and org level certificates
      • Looked into dnsjava
        • Small authoritative dns server
        • Don't know about the complexity of configuration
        • Possibly configure it to use our own lookup
      • Take a look at what C# team has done and maybe start from there