Java Reference Implementation Meeting 2010-09-30

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Notes from the Java Reference Implementation Group
Date: September 30, 2010
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Attendees: Vince, Beau, Pat, Michael, Dragon, Mark, Tim


  • xd-transform
    • Work is coming along nicely
    • Nearly have xdmail component fully converted
    • Will work on xd, but going to wait until Vince has completed working to avoid merge conflicts

  • Config
    • Beau added around 30 unit tests covering service layer
      • 8-10 are useful, the rest are stub tests for stubbed methods
    • Added tasks to the task board for coders to take on
      • Surrounding service classes and dao classes
      • Should be easy to do, based on code already done for some classes
    • Tim is getting up to speed with code, should be able to contribute soon

  • Install
    • Mark has completed first draft of install scripts
      • Covers unix, windows, os x
    • JCE should probably be removed from the steps
      • This should be a pre-req
      • Licensing issues covering inclusion of this anyways
    • Metro should be removed
      • The jar from this resource is needed for xd only
    • Need to decide what do do about keystores
      • Demo keystores are not appropriate for production environment
    • Config files should be scrubbed of demo data
      • Need to make them production ready
      • Beau will take an action to send Mark some new copies
    • Mark will start to look at XD components
      • Beau will take an action to point out existing documentation
    • Need to address the starting/stopping as part of the James setup
      • There is a shutdown command to help with this

  • Client API
    • Implemention groups have identified a need for a client API
    • Vince will begin work on this, should have something checked in early next week
    • Need to address routing mechanism
      • Will bring this up Tuesday
      • A stub can be placed in for now, always specifying SMTP

  • ATNA
    • Pat will begin work on ATNA logging module for XDR component

  • General
    • Michael had success setting up a test environment from install docs
    • Looking for areas he can help out as a sysadmin type role
    • James 3
      • Beau and Pat will take an action to test Agent/Gateway in James 3
      • This will allow for the support of IMAP