Java Reference Implementation Meeting 2010-10-14

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Notes from the Java Reference Implementation Group
Date: October 14, 2010
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Attendees: Vince, Beau, Pat, Michael, Mark, Tim


  • xd
    • Beau has done more cleanup on xd code
      • Harded coded UUIDs and slot names, etc, have been turned into enumerations and constants
      • xd-common library plugged into the xd component
      • Changes will be pushed today
      • Added Jetty to xd pom.xml
    • Added a test setup page on wiki

  • ATNA
    • Vince is going to begin work on the ATNA logging
      • This will initially be in-house code (no OHT) and only for the xd web piece
      • Will log XML to a file
      • The API is straight forward as far as metadata
      • Will have it in the baseline by COB Monday
    • Pat would like to see entry/exit points in the mail code for ATNA support as well
      • This may be done after Vince gets code checked-in for XD
      • This is not something we need to have to be code-complete, but will be nice to have
      • If anyone wants to take this on, please do so

  • Configuration service
    • Greg has nearly completed the config-service gateway hookup
    • Ran into some issues with key storage, but resolved it using the bouncycastle libraries
    • He filled in the majority of stubs for the service and DAO layer, and added settings
    • Tim is continuing to work on the UI
      • Has screens for most of the tables
      • Needs to finish up for the stubs that were done by Greg
      • Feels good that this will be completed on time
      • May be a delay on new settings table, since it was not originally in scope

  • Client refactoring
    • Pat has started to look into the client refactoring
      • Sent some code to C# team earlier this week
      • Will begin work on Java soon
      • Should have it committed by early next week (by Tuesday meeting)

  • Routing
    • Discussed what we should do for our routing interface backend
      • Decided to use the existing database to store data
      • Beau will look at hooking this up to the interface
      • Also make sure the interface is in sync with what C# team is doing

  • Install
    • Mark is continuing to work on the installer (agent/gateway)
      • Has had limited time this week
      • Should have GUI checked into the baseline tomorrow or over the weekend
    • We think this will be okay to miss the code-complete mark
      • We will have next week to put final touches and testing
      • Also extend to XD pieces and configuration service

  • Test
    • Michael solved the issue he was having last week with certificates
      • Everything flows through as expected, with newly added domains
    • Is testing LDAP
      • JCS libraries are preventing this from happening
      • Greg is going to check in some dependencies
        • Beau to follow up with him on this
    • Michael played with setting up two James instances (one incoming one outgoing) and had success
      • He will document the steps and post on the wiki
    • Pat is going to test a James 3 setup
      • Looks like it will be good-to-go, and have support for IMAP among other things