Java Reference Implementation meeting 2010-12-02

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Notes from the Java Reference Implementation Group
Date: December 02, 2010
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Attendees: Michael, Tim, Beau, Mark, Greg, Pat


  • DNS
    • Server piece is done
    • Been packaged into its own assembly
      • Deployment option to run as a service or interactively
    • Configuration
      • Command line tool exists
      • Based on the .NET implementation
        • Syntax and usage is very similar
      • Included in the assembly
    • Handles SOA, MX, A records (CERTs) are managed with the GUI
    • Umesh pushed out an enhancement for NS records
      • Should be easy to add if needed
    • Added DNS to stock assembly
    • Updated documentation
      • New doxia book for deployment and configuration
      • Updating record configuration now for command line tools

  • Config UI
    • Tomcat hanging bug has been fixed
      • Thanks Pat!!!
    • DNS
      • Handles all record types
      • Can quickly add NS if needed
      • Coded a buch of equivalence of the utilities
        • Going to push out to the baseline
      • Having trouble connecting to the service
        • Going to try to take spring proxy out and use the config-service proxy (which uses AXIS)
      • ETA
        • Soon.. early next week.. would like to have it by the connect-a-thon

  • XD
    • Added direct:* headers
      • Stubbed direct:metadata-level
    • Support for additional document types
      • PDF, XML, plain text (fallback is plain text)
      • Framework exists for easily adding new types now
    • Multiple document stepup/stepdown
    • Adding enumerations for valid slot and classification values (from HITSP C80 per spec)
    • Still todo
      • Ensure correct minimal metadata
    • Bugs
      • Outgoing SOAP messages have all documents, but incoming messages only have 1 (all metadata is present though)
      • Must be a problem on the outgoing side
      • SOAPUI tests show that if received with all data, it is processed correctly
      • Going to try to print the outgoing SOAP message at final stage in pipeline to debug

  • Other
    • Michael asked about support for CCR
      • Going to provide us with the XSD so we can create a parser to extract metadata
      • Hopefully Vince will be able to help us out with this
    • Mark will be available to help out again soon
      • Will get with Beau for some tasks
    • Greg asked about IG workgroup involvement with identifying minimum requirements and components layout
      • Assumed they had a say, and that we should also be involved with recommendations
      • Will start attending the workgroup to get a good cross-team involvement
    • 1.0 release of config-ui
      • Will include the Spring security fix
      • Will not include the DNS tooling