Notes from Communications WG Presentation, Face to Face 2010-08-18

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NHIN Direct Face to Face Meeting
Communications WG Presentation
August 18, 2010
Rich Elmore
· Leads Communications Workgroup.
· Feels they have a good team assembled and can leverage different aspects within the group. Great social media connections, strong marketing sections.
· Collective effort.
· Need clarity around what are the various segments, and stakeholders for NHIN Direct, with Documentation WG documents as their source of truth.
· Currently focused on helping attract people to the pilots along with the Implementation Geographies Workgroup, to attract EHR vendors and healthcare systems and providers.
· NHIN Direct has fantastic deliverables but are too much for the elevator pitch of just five minutes in front of the right group.
· WG is determining the right level, right audience, and key messages.
· Yesterday he heard specific concern areas that need to be addressed through the State HIE/RECs panel
· Now focus is on pilots, later on creating more general adoption.
· Communications WG page shows a planning matrix:
1) Identify
2) Analysis
3) Channel and vehicles
4) Responsibility/analysis
5) Feedback
· On the wiki you can also see the different priority segment groups for messaging.
· Focusing now on the enablers in the pilot implementation stage.
· Starting point of key message, example from David Kibbe. See “Individual Providers” page on wiki.
· Trying to take a lot of what is done and determine benefits to particular segment.
· àEncourages participation of people who have not been involved in the WG yet.
· Meetings are Tuesdays, 1pm EST.
Gary Christensen
· In addition to key messaging, are you doing standard presentation decks?
Rich Elmore
· Yes, absolutely. Variety of means: multimedia, PowerPoint, press release.
· At this point we’ve identified segments, relative priority, and started to identify the message needs of those segments. For near-term priorities we will begin to assemble those messages.
Question from Audience
· Think this is great. Because of looking at these targeted perspectives, we might realize we don’t have the answers. So this is a good opportunity for us to take back to the Documentation WG.
Rich Elmore
· Got feedback from the Plan-a-thon.
· àFAQ list should be the responsibility of Documentation WG group to make sure we do have the right info to incorporate into our messaging.
· We want to take a document, make it bullet point and deliverable to different stakeholders.
Gary Christensen
· Sees two levels of needs:
o First, getting pilots off the ground.
o Second, communicating broadly about NHIN Direct.
· Would this group do road shows or have ambassadors?
Rich Elmore
· As we identify proper channels of communication, we will likely find that those vehicles may or may not be within the WG itself. Some WG members have great reach, but also others outside of the WG could contribute a lot.
· Reaching out to general media and not just targeting groups for implementation needs will likely begin in early 2011, as want to have some results from the pilot programs before we message more broadly.
Arien Malec
· One of the best channels is ONC. So when we have strong proof points, we can utilize the ONC blog, for example, to get the message out. The blog has a huge following. As soon as we have those kinds of messages, we will use those channels to push them out.
· Uvinie is working with the ONC communications people to make sure we have harmonized messaging across the NHIN Direct project and ONC more broadly to make sure the message gets out to the right people, consistently.
Jason Siegel
· There is confusion around NHIN secure messaging/NHIN Direct.
· People want to know, what is the difference in the context of MU?
· Implication: one partner at his company believed they could not be compliant with all of NHIN unless we they were part of the NHIN Direct group.
Arien Malec
· Unfortunately you can get messaging perfect, and repeat it perfectly and have multiple channels repeating perfectly, but reach is still never as broad and there will be lots of confusion.
· Will improve baseline level of communication but will not be able to prevent people from misunderstanding.
Uvinie Hettiaratchy
· Most messaging will need to be reviewed by ONC, so the overall NHIN project sees parallel language.
Arien Malec
· General approach: in the project we run, we create messaging and materials but when it comes time to get that material through the ONC channel, we need to sync up the messaging with the other entities. If we say something that diverges, we fix it.