RIQI Pilot Shared Documents

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This page contains materials and documents specific to the Rhode Island Quality Institute pilot that the team wishes to share with the community

10/22 - Updated Solution Architecture and Solution Requirements Specification

10/6 - Solution Architecture
A draft solution architecture that has been reviewed by all partners that are part of the RIQI pilot. Serving as the framework for requirements and project plan that will be reviewed and approved by next week.

(earlier version deprecated)

9/22 - Pilot Approach
An approach document that was shared with Pilot partners to describe user stories and NHIN Direct at a high level.

9/15 - OPEN QUESTION LIST - moved to global list for all pilots

As RIQI establishes a pilot working team that includes Polaris Medical Management (EHR vendor), InterSystems (developer of HealthShare, a key component of the state HIE currentcare), and a TBD HISP partner, the following high-level task list will be used as a framework for a number of working sessions. This tasklist will evolve into a full-fledged project plan as the working team partners agree on task ownership and timing.