Reference Implementation Meeting 2011-02-15

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RI Workgroup Call

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
12:00 PM EST

Attendees: Umesh Madan (Microsoft Corp), Mark Bamberg (MEDfx), Sri Koka (Techsant Technologies), Ali Emami (Microsoft Corp)

Umesh -
We don't have a whole lot on the agenda. Beau can't make it and Greg will be late.

We want to celebrate the two 1.0 drops. They are being used in some places in production. The plan ongoing is twofold: 1) bug fixes, new features, etc. 2) we're going to make a concerted effort to complete the remaining work on XD*

People will be busy with HIMSS for the next few days. Next week all of the calls will be cancelled. Does anyone else have anything they would like to talk about?

Sri -
Mark, are you doing any EHR related use case for HIMSS?

Mark -
Yes. We have a connected portal which will be configured in 3 ways 1) connected directly to CONNECT 2) connected to Direct and CONNECT 3) with just a Direct connected node . We will be demonstrating the exchange of referral letters for the purpose of Meaningful Use for MedVirginia users.

Sri -
And the EHR being…?

Mark -
MEDfx Lifescape.

Sri -
So it will go back and forth between 2 EHRs?

Mark -
The exchange is between connected Lifescape portals. They can any channel except for Direct * the nodes can have multiple local users and also multiple remote users. We can accept messages from * but we're not demonstrating that at HIMSS.

So you are just demonstrating the Direct component?

Mark -
Yes. The marketing people will probably have more to say about it, but yes.

Sri -
I'm just interested from the technical perspective what you're trying to accomplish (SMTP e-mail … into EHR. That's what technically you are accomplishing?

Mark -

Sri -
We're trying to do the same thing in Arizona. I'm with Techsant Technologies and we're working with Arizona to demonstrate the same thing.

Mark -
We do have NextGen adapters and we can talk with NextGen.

Umesh -
Two things: 1) We've got a new team member at Microsoft - Ali Emami. My personal goal is to get him up to speed. Ali will be helping me out with a lot of the core pieces: DNS, S/MIME stack, etc. 2) We'll be looking at, now that we have a stack running, releasing 1.1 in about 2-3 weeks. What I've got Ali thinking about is scale and longer term deployment, etc. Those will start to show up over the next 3-4 weeks. Additionally I'm hoping folks can assist with docs, otherwise I will personally be working heavily on those: A combination of getting all of the settings documented and also a detailed "How to run this / troubleshooting guide." This is sort of driven of notes that I've been taking while getting other .NET stacks up and running. We just one running this morning at Harvard Med School. So that's basically our plan. You'll start to see a lot more technical output from the C# team once Vassil and the XD team can ramp up after HIMSS.

Any other comments?

Okay, no meeting next week. We'll talk to you the week after HIMSS.