To Do

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-Remove any reference to Direct Project being ONC sponsored (JM: this should be complete--home page edit is complete--propose updating any additional instances found to add the word "formerly" before "ONC sponsored")

-Update the point of contact to Luis (JM: this should be complete but I am leaving this note in case any additional mentions of John Hall & his email address are discovered)

-Confirm that guides referenced on the wiki have been migrated to the new site and are accurately linked (JM: should be resolved; see table below and add any documents needing to be migrated and tested)

-Any links from regulation need to be operational (JM: this is in-progress--see next two items below; several references in the ISA:; 2014 Edition criteria do not reference the wiki; other regulation links to address?). Here is a list of regulations we expect need to be hosted on the wiki, with status in rightmost column:

Document List of External References Document Exists on New Wiki (Y/N) Completion Status
Applicability Statement 1.2 2015 Edition criteria references: Y Temporary page created for use post-migration expected to redirect properly (needs testing post DNS switch); Ready to Test
Applicability Statement 1.1 2014 Edition test procedures reference site via 2014 R2 references 170.202(a) which in turn references 170.299. Old wiki URL: Y Ready to test
Applicability Statement 1.0 and Y Ready to test
Applicability Statement Old wiki AS landing page (nice to have) Y Should map OK but need to confirm
XDR/XDM ISA reference & Old wiki: Y Ready to test
Edge Protocol 1.0 ISA reference (newer version) only here: (N/A) Old wiki: Y Ready to test
Edge Protocol 1.1 ISA and old wiki reference: Y Ready to test
Certificate Discovery Y Ready to test
Context From old wiki:

Y Ready to test
Delivery Notification ISA version 1.0: Y Ready to test
Trust Bundle Distribution Old wiki: Y Ready to test

-Some pages have hard-coded links from site and these will break when wikispaces site is retired; here is one example: January 2015 Connect-A-Thon. The very first item under "Presentations and Spreadsheets" has been fixed to point to local File: links to resources post-migration, but other links on this page and on other pages with links to the old wiki (that can be found by searching from the new wiki on the term "") still need to be updated. Otherwise, those links will appear broken once the wikispaces site is retired. As a temporary workaround, file archives can be searched from the search box at top right, by entering partial filename text such as "20150122", clicking the search icon, then clicking the "Everything" tab to see how the file is named on the new wiki. Often, the replacement local reference "File:.." link can be easily discovered during live page "Edit" by double-clicking on a broken link, clicking the Edit button, selecting "Search Pages" if not already selected, then typing in "File:" and the first few letters of what the filename appears to begin with. At that point, matching filenames auto-populate and can be selected from a list, hovering over each name to see the full filename and confirm the correct one is being selected in the case where they are quite long.

-In the special case where regulations and other important external links point to URLs beginning with "", advanced delegation may be needed but as a temporary workaround, a few pages may be created with the text "file/view/" pre-pended to the filename, to effectively address this issue, for example is in the ISA and the 2015 Edition criteria. Such a workaround has already been enabled for a couple of documents; for example: File/view/Applicability+Statement+for+Secure+Health+Transport+v1.2.pdf addresses external links to the Applicability Statement on the wikispaces site). This workaround was extended per the table above on 9/25/18 once we received the green light that it was expected to work and a more elegant solution had not yet been proposed.

-Other outstanding items from 2017 survey done by John, Brett, Julie .xls (specifically calls out references to ONC, NHIN)

-Test that mail sent to goes to appropriate new recipients.

-Generate Terms of Service page. Currently, when you sign up for an account it says to read the terms of service first, but this page does not exist yet. Same is true for About Direct Project, Disclaimers, and Privacy Policy pages linked in footer.