Trust Bundle Pilots

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This wiki page will be used as a landing page for all of the Trust Bundle Pilot implementations and capturing lessons learned via the pilots.

For each pilot participant please outline the following:
1. Add your pilot name to the table in the Pilot Details Section below.
2. Add a short description of the pilot in the table.
3. Create a new wiki page or add a document which provides the feedback from the pilot. The Feedback from the pilot should be documented using the Pilot Feedback Template form attached below.

Pilot Details:

This section identified each of the pilots and their feedback thus far.
Pilot Community Name
Pilot Description
Pilot Feedback
National Association for Trusted Exchange (NATE)

Production and staging trust bundles are published at [1] for a single trust profile to enable Direct exchange of PHI between providers across state lines for treatment purposes, and for two pilot profiles supporting patient-mediated exchange via Direct-enabled PHRs. Unsigned trust bundles with metadata were selected (1) to enable manual installation of trust anchor certificates using standard MS Windows tools until HISPs update to automated means, and (2) to discourage out-of-band distribution. We conform to the new Implementation Guide as an unconditionally-compliant publisher.

NATE Trust Bundle Pilot

ABBI Patient Community

Our bundles for Blue Button exchange between patients and providers are available at [2]. These are live and can be used today.


For those entities seeking accreditation or in process of becoming accredited, through the EHNAC-DirectTrust Trusted Agent Accreditation Program, DTAAP, the DirectTrust community has implemented a Transition Trust Bundle. This bundle enumerates HISPs that have signed the DirectTrust Federation Agreement and are in the process of becoming accredited. The bundle does not assert accreditation status, but provides a transparent view of those wishing to become accredited. HISPs and CAs represented in this bundle are in a transition state to becoming fully EHNAC-DirectTrust accredited entities, hence the profile name “transitional”.

This bundle may not yet meet the minimum set of trust requirements by all community members’ HISPs, but does provide a secure distribution mechanism for obtaining those anchors that they may wish to trust.



CHeQ acts as an unconditionally-compliant publisher of production and staging trust bundles at [4] as part of the pilot for the California Trust Framework. The pilot includes production and staging trust bundles for organizations on-boarded for exchange of PHI using Direct and query-based Exchange specifications, as well as federated provider directory services. The pilot includes participants that have been on-boarded for NATE, accredited by DirectTrust, and on-boarded to eHealth Exchange, illustrating overlapping trust communities. It is anticipated that the pilot, including its trust bundle publishing service, will transition to the California Association of Health Information Exchanges (CAHIE) in December and January.

California Trust Bundle Pilot

Pilot Feedback Form:

The Trust Bundle sub work group pilot feedback form is a template that can be used by pilot organizations to provide feedback to the pilot community.

Fill out the pilot form using either a document or a wiki page and link to it from the Pilot Details table above.