Geographies Meeting 2011-01-12

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Jan. 12, 2011 - Implementation Geographies WG Call
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
12:00 PM

Paul Tuten -
Arien not on the call today

Open action item: Arien owed a more detailed explanation about HIMSS showcase. He distributed that out to the wider group earlier this week. Let us know if you need it and haven't received it.

Pilot Updates

Rhode Island
Greg -
Integration testing wrapped up. Demo video ready to show but the meeting was cancelled due to snow. Demo will be posted within the next week including tweaks. Illustrates the working of the use case where data goes from PHR to State HIE via Direct. Also, as part of the Rhode Island consent model there is a need to have a third party patient gateway that manages consent and makes sure that things don't go into the gateway. We're putting together an RFP for that. We've already got some potential partners but if anyone is interested get in touch with Gary or Greg. We're transitioning from testing to getting ready for production from operational and technical standpoints.

Doug - not on the call today

Parag -
Still on target for first production transaction around HIMSS. Currently working on the development of customizing the user interface… so we can move towards integration and production.

? -
Have been working closely with the VA. We've gotten into technical details. Moving at a quick pace. On target for HIMSS demonstrations. Moving towards production.

Will -
No progress since last week. Planning for HIMSS demo. We weren't able to attend the recent virtual connect-a-thon, but we're focusing on having at least one production link up by HIMSS. We're assessing the 4 different use cases that we're working with for which makes the most sense.

Paul -
90% confident that we'll have production traffic traversing the Direct connection this week. Should be operational with our pilot by next week at the latest and then it's just a matter of on boarding other providers.

Hank's update (via e-mail)-
"Our brief update – we are working with Medicity and the EMR vendors to assure connectivity and the adoption of the protocols. We have a big kick off meeting scheduled for January 18th in Corpus Christi and hope to have the physician practices and hospital connected by then or shortly thereafter."

Paul -
Other open topics to discuss?

Parag -
Could we get some type of communication on ONC/ FHA?

Paul -
Will make a point to speak to Arien about that today.

Will -
One of my concerns at the moment is that we have a very short timeframe for establishing coherent testing narratives for how we collaborate in the booth. I was in the FHA booth last year and it was a similar last-minute emergency about who interacts with whom. The people who attend the interoperability showcase are anticipating that they are following a story with a start point and end point. We organized ourselves into teams so that there was a story that you could tell. It would be a mistake to go into the showcase and not have a narrative and obvious trading partners. I'm anticipating that over the next 2 weeks we will identify those stories and trading partners.

Paul -
I will communicate with Arien and we may have a separate meeting for the folks who are attending the showcase.

Thanks everyone.