Implementation Group Meeting 2011-02-08

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Implementation Group Call
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
3:00 PM EST

Tim Andrews (High Pine Associates), Mark Bamberg (MEDfx), Janet Campbell (Epic), Greg Chittim (RIQI), Gary Christensen (RIQI), Gary Christensen (RIQI), Peter Greaves (Covisint), Chris Harris (NextGen), LeRoy Jones (MedAllies), Don Jorgenson (Inpriva), Umesh Madan (Microsoft Corp), Arien Malec, Greg Meyer (Cerner), Brett Peterson (VisionShare), Wes Rishel (Gartner), will ross (redwood mednet), David Tao (Siemens), John Williams (Garden State Health Systems/Health-ISP)

Arien -
Reminder that there is an attendance form on the Implementation Group wiki page. If Google Docs are blocked, e-mail

First, big news was the event on Wednesday, which was extraordinarily successful. I want to commend HHS/ONC communications teams on their efforts.

There was video taken. That will be available shortly. We had notification that we got more lines opened up toward the start of the call, but I understand people still had some trouble getting in. The event was moderated by Farzad Mostashari (Deputy National Coordinator for Programs and Policies for ONC), then David Blumenthal and then to Aneesh Chopra, and then to a panel of 4 representatives of the Direct Project. They all had a lot of appreciation for the full community - you all. The theme was celebrating the production use of Direct Project specifications. We heard from VisionShare who was doing a Transition of Care for a patient. AllScripts was talking about the implications of larger EHR providers and players and the contribution to a connected healthcare system. Then Sean from Microsoft announced capabilities that Microsoft HealthVault is launching. Todd Park closed it off with a high energy talk about innovation at HHS and innovation globally. Besides looking at the contribution of the Direct project in terms of clinical care and serving as the essential onboarding step of the escalator for info exchange and interoperability, the other major theme was the success of the community and the role that this project has in terms of providing a good framework for government as a convener and the private sector as a doer. I think this is a successful model for how to do public/ private partnerships in the future. It was a nice event. Lots of energy, lots of press pick-up.

We'll talk a little bit about the communications workgroup. We have, as everyone knows, a set of demonstrations at HIMSS. I want to make an announcement about what we're doing in terms of communication of launches and other kinds of announcements.

I know a number of organizations that are making significant announcements leading up to and during HIMSS. What we'd like to do is essentially collect these and have ONC essentially amplify those announcements talking about where industry is and the adoption of Direct specifications. That leads to an "ask." There is an ecosystems link off of the Communications page. If you're comfortable putting your announcement in public, put it there. If you're not comfortable putting that there, e-mail me or Ivy Eckerman. We will hold all of that information, make it available to ONC leadership, and consolidate it into a public amplification, likely a blog post. The benefit is that we'd like to amplify the messaging about standards and Direct Project specifications and offer that as an opportunity for organizations that are already doing announcements.

If you have that information, post it to the ecosystems link, send it to me, to Ivy Eckerman, or We'll keep them embargoed as appropriate. Again, the page to look for in terms of the content that you want to put in there is the ecosystems link off of Implementation Group page.

One of the things that Didi is trying to organize is walking tours of Direct Project booths to make sure we've got a compelling and coherent set of demonstrations.

Best Practices
The Best Practices for Certification Authorities is likely to go up for BP consensus on Thursday. The content is done. It's gotten some Yeses.

Janet -
We didn't meet last week, but the Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport is up for consensus. Of all of the things that the documentation group could do, this is way up there. I encourage all of your to read it and cast your vote. Other than that, we are getting closer to having a compliance statement. That's still in review now, but I think we're a lot closer to where we want to be.

Arien -
The XDR/XDM for Direct Messaging specification will come back up for reconsensus.

Implementation Geographies
We did not meet either last week. I just wanted to publicly thank Rich and Janet as well as other members of the Communication and D&T groups and everyone else. The work has been pretty tremendous.

Arien - and click on the map!

Reference Implementation
We have 1.0's going out. There was another virtual testing event that uncovered an issue with validation of revoked certificates using CRL.

Umesh -
We’re trying to figure out if the issue was actually with the test case.

Arien -
That work is being done, but that was the only issue from testing. There have been ongoing cleanups, but those are the levels of bugs that are being fixed right now. In terms of the XDR/XDM implementation, the Java code base is back to active development there in preparation for the MedPlus deployment, and then there is an active team on the C# side. They are making sure that we've got and implementation of the XDR/XDM gateway on the .NET side.

Security & Trust
Umesh -
We didn't meet last week.

Arien -
I think those are the key details for what's been going on with the project. I want to reemphasize that you should look at the Applicability Statement as well as the XDR/XDM documents. There is a bug fix that we're going to be making to that where we've noted some inconsistencies in specifications for author metadata and we're currently figuring out how to address that. Other than that, everything should be reviewable and "comment-able", so please review both and provide your feedback.

For anyone that is participating in the S&I Framework: we've had ongoing difficulties with registration. We're trying to fix everything. Let everyone know that we are actively looking for

David Tao -
Do people get officially notified on the Statement of Commitment process? Were people's statements rejected if they weren't good enough?

Arien -
No. They only disappeared due to technical issues. We've got a lot to be desired from a technology/tools standpoint.

Greg -
For the S&I Framework: should we be expecting invites for the meetings?

Arien -
I'm making sure that at the very least there are calendar URLs that you can subscribe to.

I think that's it. Thank you, everybody, for all of the work that you have and continue to put into this project.