Rwmn iz archive 20110218

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Redwood MedNet Immunization Messaging Service

Pilot Project Brief - Redwood MedNet : : Cal eConnect ToC Demonstration : : HIMSS FHA Direct Demonstration

Status of this document: ARCHIVE VIEW FROM FEBRUARY 2011
Link to more current version: Cal eConnect IZ Demonstration
Link to Cal eConnect Direct Messaging Grant


Immunization (IZ) reporting in California is coordinated by the California Immunization Registry (CAIR). Electronic IZ reporting currently enters each CAIR regional registry one of two ways: either via a legacy batch file load process or via manual entry by keyboard at the practice by using a CAIR web portal*. Most EHRs are not certified by CAIR to submit batch files, therefore a healthcare site with an EHR may record the IZ event twice, once in the EHR, and a second time by keyboard into the CAIR web portal. In 2011 CAIR will begin testing the receipt of a HL7 VXU immunization event message. In the meantime, Redwood MedNet will create a CAIR certified batch load process for submitting IZ events electronically to the state registry. This IZ batch load solution is useful for several reasons.
  • Provides transitional support for the achievement of the IZ reporting meaningful use measure by eligible providers who are early adopters of EHR
  • Offers an immediate workflow efficiency gain for practices that currently double enter the IZ events into their EHR and into the CAIR web portal
  • Is potentially a less expensive option for an eligible provider to originate a direct message to report IZ events through Redwood MedNet than to pay their EHR vendor for coordination of a full HL7 interface with CAIR
  • Redwood MedNet has a standard secure health data delivery route into Microsoft HealthVault, so the IZ message to CAIR can also populate the patient's PHR (if appropriate)

* Exception -- San Diego IZ region accepts HL7 messages; but Northern California, Bay Area and Sacramento regional registries cannot accept HL7 messages at this time.

Project Tasks

Redwood Mednet creates CAIR-certified nightly IZ report batch upload
+ Include IZ record validator to inform sender of mitigation steps for resubmission of the IZ record

Establish a Direct Messaging service to:
+ Receive IZ record pushed via Direct Message transport service in real time from EHR without IZ batch reporting capability
+ Use Redwood MedNet IZ record validator to parse received IZ record for accuracy and completeness
+ If IZ record rejected, then notify sender and identify specific details to be corrected for re-submission
+ If IZ record validated, then add record to queue for nightly upload to CAIR
+ Upload IZ batch file nightly to CAIR
+ Send confirmation of IZ record upload to provider


Eligible Provider?

Northeastern Rural Health Clinics (FQHC)

site 2 to be named

site 3 to be named

Production Timeline

If funded by grant proposal submitted to Cal eConnect, this project will launch in March 2011. Production is expected to take up to 6 weeks per participating eligible provider site. Eligible sites will be scheduled on a rolling basis between March and September 2011.