XMPP Based Demonstration

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This page documents the investigation of an XMPP based demonstration of a health care provider registry, or a hosted directory service, that could meet some of the routable message addressing goals of NHIN Direct (and perhaps also Cal eConnect). For those volunteering for this effort please subscribe to the following two pages so that you see changes/discussions via email or RSS.

Navigation links back to other XMPP wiki pages
XMPP Implementation Proposal: http://nhindirect.org/XMPP+Implementation
XMPP Implementation Development Team: http://nhindirect.org/XMPP+Implementation+Development+Team


Nagesh Bashyam, Gary Teichrow & Will Ross

High Level ToDo List

  1. Call for discussion
  2. Doodle poll: [1](poll closed)
  3. Exploratory Conference Call #1
  4. Outcomes from Conference Call


  1. XMPP Call Friday May 21, 2010 - 2:00 PM Pacific Time (1.218.339.3600, access code 839.537)

Possible outcomes of this discussion:

  1. Face to face meeting to stand up a workbench prototype some time in the next six weeks
  2. Public demo at the Redwood MedNet HIE Conference in Santa Rosa, California on July 9, 2010

Secondary Conference Call
For John and Lyman (and any others), who cannot attend the Friday afternoon call, Dragon and I will host a debriefing to enable all hands input.
Saturday May 22, 2010
9:00 AM Pacific Time
access code 839.537